View Full Version : high priced items

07-19-2002, 04:49 PM
do you konw a place where you can sell really valuable items at price that is around 1000 because i can't sell any thing that is that high because the trader only has like 500 gold

07-19-2002, 05:20 PM
The Creeper at Ghorak Manor in Caldera has Five Thousand drakes, plus he buys and sells at listed value (not haggling necessary; you always get a fair deal). If you need to sell something worth more than that, then just buy something from him to balance things out, rest 24 hours, then sell the stuff you bought back to him when his gold has regenerated.

And somebody's probably already replied about this.:rolleyes:
No? \/\/00+!

07-23-2002, 11:00 AM
Maybe there a trader that got unlimited money to trade for you but you will need to find....secret of Bethesda Softworks....every game has something to keep you playing for a while.

07-23-2002, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by SlightlySycho
The Creeper at Ghorak Manor in Caldera has Five Thousand drakes, plus he buys and sells at listed value (not haggling necessary; you always get a fair deal). If you need to sell something worth more than that, then just buy something from him to balance things out, rest 24 hours, then sell the stuff you bought back to him when his gold has regenerated.

And somebody's probably already replied about this.:rolleyes:
No? \/\/00+!

Actually, you can haggle to get more than the full value. This may depend on your mercantile skill, but I always get a 1% markup. For example, if he offers 4000, I counter with 4040 and he accepts it. He won't accept 4041 though. Depending on how much you're selling, this can add up. I still haven't found the drunken mud crab to try it on him.

07-23-2002, 12:36 PM
is te mcrab like the richest merchant???

07-23-2002, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by SciFi
is te mcrab like the richest merchant???

As far as I know yes. I haven't been to him, but from what I have read, he has 10,000 gold, pays full price, and his money replenishes after 24 hours. Personally, I prefer Creeper. It may take twice as long to sell stuff to him, but he is alot easier to get to, and I don't want to waste my mark spell on him.

shrew king
07-23-2002, 10:17 PM
I have found the mudcrab, hes a lonely guy, but anyways, he buys weapons and armor, no enchanted items, no scrolls, hes kinda lame if u ask me, stick with the creeper.