View Full Version : 2k3 Madden or Enclave

08-18-2002, 09:43 AM
Ive got some cash finally and Im going to trade in a game for either madden 2k3 or Enclave. What should I get NOTE: Im getting DTR and Turok for my bday so dont say those 2.

08-18-2002, 10:42 AM
I like Enclave alot, have been playing it quite a bit, but it seems a little out of place in this list.

So, if you like football games i would go with 2K3, but definetly put Enclave on the list for future rental or purchase.

08-18-2002, 10:46 AM
Didn't vote. I think it depends on a few things.

1. Are you getting XBL? If you are go with 2k3 because Madden won't be live. If you aren't, although I haven't seen it, I would go with Madden. It has been my favorite franchise for more years than I can remember.

2. What do you prefer? Hack-n-slash or sports games. I really like sports although I do like other types of games. When it came for me to decide I went with 2k3 although I will probably rent Enclave and buy it also if I like it.

I guess 2 is not really a few, but oh well.

08-18-2002, 10:43 PM
Why dont you get what you want and not what everyone else wants? :rolleyes:

08-18-2002, 11:05 PM
Well like someone said, it all depends on what you like, be it sports or action adventure, hell it could be both. But IMO if you are a sports fan like myself you should hit up NFL 2K3(screw EA)
Its a great game and i'm picking it up myself tomr. But once again its up to you man, when it doubt rent...

Untill next time...:mad:

08-18-2002, 11:09 PM
OK... I bought 2k3 today hoping that it would be 10 times better than Madden, but it hasn't been. The graphics totally obliterate Madden, but I dunno aboot the rest.

I like Madden's play picking, and the franchise mode in Madden.

Maybe I just need some time to get use to 2k3. I'll see.

08-18-2002, 11:12 PM
2k3 is probably gonna be the only game on that list that im gonna get....i was gonna get madden but i decided not to....

08-18-2002, 11:13 PM
I hate sports, all sports EXCEPT Hockey...the only real man's sport, where smashing your opponent in legal...well, it is in Lacrosse too, but that sucks. NHL Hitz is such a fun game, even if you hate hockey.

I played Madden 02 and got so bored, its so slow paced, terrible running game, the worst passing setup ever...

08-18-2002, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by EHWfedPres
I hate sports, all sports EXCEPT Hockey...the only real man's sport, where smashing your opponent in legal...well, it is in Lacrosse too, but that sucks. NHL Hitz is such a fun game, even if you hate hockey.

I played Madden 02 and got so bored, its so slow paced, terrible running game, the worst passing setup ever...
uhh...madden had the best passing and running game last year :confused:

08-18-2002, 11:30 PM
LoL Gold. I guess he wouldnt know cause he hates football. Anyways the only thing i give madden credit for is helmets being knocked off, coaches challenge and Newly added this year is the new gang tackling so you can actually get assisted sacks and tackles. EA still doesnt have a lot of peeps votes this time around because of their foolish decision to not put Madden online for the XBOX.

Untill next time...:mad:

08-18-2002, 11:37 PM
Madden is too slow paced anyway...completing a pass was pretty difficult, but then again, i hate football...

08-19-2002, 02:27 AM
Why dont you get what you want and not what everyone else wants?

ok, here is what your prob is.......you find a way to put down all peeps on this forum/board

god man your frigging depressing, the guy wants a little help from his Xboxaddict friends. quit trolling and post something that is possitive towards a post.

you're friggin ignorant dude

08-19-2002, 07:53 AM
the guy wants a little help from his Xboxaddict friends. quit trolling and post something that is possitive towards a post. thx chickenshhhhhh anywayz about an hour after this post a broke down and bought 2k3. Its fun even for a guy like me who could care less about football and would die for an online hockey game.

08-19-2002, 02:17 PM
:cool: Oh yea well I haven't played a single one of them look at the games I own. HALO is the best you should get that one if you don't have one already

08-19-2002, 07:19 PM
Originally posted by ChickenSHHHH
Why dont you get what you want and not what everyone else wants?

ok, here is what your prob is.......you find a way to put down all peeps on this forum/board

god man your frigging depressing, the guy wants a little help from his Xboxaddict friends. quit trolling and post something that is possitive towards a post.

you're friggin ignorant dude

See, thats the problem. Everyone wants everything to be positive, and guess what? It's not always positive! When this dude gets hundreds of madden votes, or whatever this thread is about, and finds out he dosent like the game, he has people like you to thank. Then what if he ends up liking Enclave alot and Encave gets no votes, or maybe one...huh? The ONLY way you will find out if you like a game is if YOU play it yourself. Just because someone likes it dosent mean everyone else will. That may not be a positive responce, but it sure is the truth, and if you cant handle that, then dont come here. Wake up already and realize that not everything is as pretty and positive as you think, or hope it would be. You cannot argue with the truth, so deal with it. People like you cause problems because you cant seem to comprehend that.

08-19-2002, 11:38 PM
lol, dude, he asked, that is his preference, he doesnt have to listen to us when we vote for the game we think he should get.... if he didnt need our help he wouldn't have asked, if you ask me it is the pot calling the kettle black in this situation, you are doing the same by giving your opinion......why does everything have to be negative.......god you are an idiot

i think you read into things too much......if you had a bad experience or sompin your prob, this joker asked, so it is his preference to go with the majority or check em all out by rental first........he doesnt have to do what we say, you act like he will, this is a god damned board for christ sake where you talk about xbox with other people who like xbox, what is your deal bro?