View Full Version : Game love/hate relationship

09-27-2002, 03:22 AM
Do you have a game you swore you hated but for some reason now you really like it? Or the other way around?

Mine is Gun Metal. I bought it and played it for a few days and I swore I hated that game and I was going to trade it the first chance I got. But I played it just for some reason again, and I started to like it again. It's weird. Does that happen to you all?

09-27-2002, 10:20 AM
Mine would be Munch. I got it at launch cause i figued it would be something the kids could play, i played it a few hours and put it aside for a good 2 months. Then my son was stuck on this one part and asked me for help and i was hooked. Strange how a game can appeal to you more on the second go around.