View Full Version : Canadian EB's

11-16-2001, 12:45 AM
Did anyone in Canada that pre-ordered from EB actually get there free subscription to electronic gaming monthly? My eb said they didn't get the order forms for it.

11-16-2001, 03:29 AM
no... because i didn't want to get ripped of by EB bastards

11-16-2001, 07:41 AM
i went to the eb in ma mall and got ma xbox xtreme bundle
and hell yea i got the free subscription
its this little form u fill out and send it in...i am sending it today...
well i am off to go play some more halo..

ps....if u have halo try this...get in the warthog...then go drive off of a cliff...as u r falling jump out...LMAO!!!

well lata all