View Full Version : An Azurik question

12-07-2001, 07:52 PM
I just rented Azurik and must say it so far has been a lot better than i expected, especially after some bad reviews that i read. I'm thinking about buying it but... it seems like its a short game. I've only been plaing for about 2 hours and already got the water element... does anyone know how exactly long this game is. I definately want to get this game if its 20+ hours, thanks for your help, in advance

12-08-2001, 12:30 AM
I've heard that this game is around 10 to 12 hours long. :D

12-08-2001, 02:04 AM
well Ive played this game for about a week so far and still am no where near the end ive played probably about 10 hours or so.

12-13-2001, 03:32 PM
I read it was about 75 to 80 hours long. Although i have nevr played the game. I think i read this at either ign.com or here at xboxaddict

l Maximus l
12-14-2001, 03:08 PM
Dude, Azurik is said to be 80 hours long! That's more than most RPGs which have about 50! That's pretty astronomical considering that Azurik is not a full blown RPG...it's an Action/Adventure game with RPG elements...solid title :)