View Full Version : hmm..maybe ppl are too particular..or---

02-13-2002, 05:10 AM
maybe the companys are
slacking off on all games, which is
this month, we have had 2 hyped
up(extremely hyped up) games
wreckless and wwf...
no1(most) didnt like them..
personally, i love wreckless..
so maybe some ppl are too
particular, which is usually a good thing..lol
but, sometimes i worry the quality of games
is going down...till they pull off a legend like
anyways..post ur opinions:D

02-13-2002, 08:44 AM
I believe that people are becoming too nitpicky about games in general. They complain when a game is delayed. They complain when it's "too short". They complain that "it doesn't have all the stuff they said it would". B1tch and moan, moan and complain. A few things need to be kept in mind to put this in perspective:

1. Games are, and have been, delayed since the first commercially produced game. Various reasons for delays: bug checking, play testing...all extra time to make sure a game is working the way it should. Granted, some games that are endlessly delayed are still horrible (think Daikitana for the pc), but give the developers a break. Another thing to remember is that the Internet makes information easy to come by, meaning that we hear about games sometimes YEARS before they hit the streets. Then we get all excited and can't wait...hence the wait seems longer.

2. The length of games seems to be a growing issue with gamers. We really need to think about what we are complaining about. Max Payne was the shortest game I ever played (on the pc), but it was extremely fun to play! I paid $50 for about 12 hours of entertainment. Compare that to a movie: $7 for 2 hours. At that rate, 12 hours would cost you $84. Not too bad :)

3. Complaints about features not making it into the final game are a bit more serious, but nothing to get your panties in a twist about. Sometimes you just can't put in what you said you would. I know this firsthand because I develop web applications. The additional features could break something elsewhere, or the most common drawback is that it would lengthen the developement time significantly. You just have to try to "split the difference" to make the customer (game buyer) happy.

We are living in a great time for gaming. We are seeing graphics produced by a $300 home machine that previously were unheard of, or only available on a huge arcade machine. The depth and quality of games in general is tremendous, considering it was less than 10 years ago that Castle Wolfenstein was made. Compare Halo to CW...not even in the same universe :cool: All this is available to you for $50. You have to admit that's pretty good.

02-13-2002, 01:07 PM
I don't think there is anything wrong with holding a developer accountable to providing value for your money. If the marketing team hypes features of the game that don't get into the game it is a reasonable expectation that consumers will be disappointed or angry.

The ultimate power lies in the hands of the consumers. Don't buy games that suck. It's that simple. Capitalism is founded on the idea that consumers vote with their dollars. Every successful game is viewed by the industry as a trend. If only games with depth and substance succeed in the marketplace we will no longer see games that are nothing but graphics demos.

02-13-2002, 01:39 PM
Myself, I sure hope the future gets better than the present, because right now PS2 has a lot of must buys, and Gamecube and X-box have only a few, and all the games Cube and X-box are hyping to be great are turning out to be just average. You can only get away with that so long until people get ****ed off. I did not even buy a Cube yet, because it looks so pathetic right now. I rank the systems since I bought my X-box in Nov. PS2 #1, Xbox a distant #2, and Cube #3 right now, and it's because PS2 has a lot more titles I wish I was playing right now, and X-box and Cube hype games up, then they come out and they suck or are just average. Does X-box have potential to blow away PS2? Yes. Will it I have no idea, but it is not right now.

Screenshots look great, but gameplay and extra's count as well ,and X-box games seem to be lacking in one the other or both in too many cases. The games must be being rushed because no way are they using this systems full potentail at all. The companies make sure the graphics are great, because that is what they have to market it with, but thats about it. Once you get it home and put it in your machine, the looks are cool, but to often myself, I wind up missing my old ugly fun games on my old inferior systems. I have not lost faith in my X-box, and still believe Gamecube should be better than PS2, but right now neither have lived up to the billing, and I am not going to lie about it, because I dumped 600 bucks into my x-box, and wish I could say I spent my money wisely. PS2 seems to make the most of the power they have, while Gamecube and X-box are wasting the ton they have in my opinion. Hopefully they will start putting up and shutting up soon, because all this hype for a junk game is starting to make them look bad.

I feel like I am dealing with a bunch of used car salesmans trying to sell me a nice looking car, that is made of bondo, and an engine with a cracked head when I here the hype to these half ass games.

l Maximus l
02-13-2002, 01:50 PM
I just think that delayed games will always happen as they always have happened. It's simply part of the gaming world. Most of the time, companies need to make a few more tweeks to a game to make it the way they wanted to.

I have also noticed some unfortunate situations with XBox games...the only one that really disappointed me, however, is Bloodwake. Undoubtably a beautiful game, but, the gameplay and action gets old really fast. Personally, I think the story is bad, too. So, I was a little disappointed by it.

But, I am so geared up for more action games! Halo exceeding my expectations and so did Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding. Also, I'm growing very impressed with Oddworld, a game that I haven't played much until recently...it's just plain fun! Graphically, all of those games are brilliant.

But, let's keep in mind that the XBox has only been out for a few months. Sony has been out for a year and a few months and they didn't start having great games until a year had passed.

Also, keep in mind that the best is yet to come. Even Halo is considered a first generation game, not only because of when it came out, but, even graphically and gameplay wise, it still could be better and utilize more power that the XBox provides. Now, don't get me wrong, Halo is undoubtably my favorite game on the system and the best game I have ever played on any system...I'm simply saying that games like Halo were created before all the specs were finalized in the XBox console...so, I would expect even more impressive games as time progresses. Just wait and you'll see :)

02-13-2002, 03:04 PM
I just think people expect too much of games, we hear to many rumors so we start writing down wat the game is supposed to have, then you buy the game and it doent have the rumored features they said would have.(BIG SHOCKER) Then u get mad autmaticly say the game is horrible, nah buy a game not for the rumor for the genre u like. Lets say bloodwhake id ont like it but u never know someoneout there thinks its the ish... Like i for once if i didnt like 1ps i would have never bought halo i dont care how nice of graphics it is or how good the story is. (but i am a fan and it isa great game) granted some games look like they where just thrown together so they could be the first of its kind out there on the xbox like nba live this game is horrible no options or strategy or skillz....graphics great......same for doa3.......horrible yet stunning graphics..

to make things short dont hype a game up by finding everything u can about it most of it is mummble jumbo if u like wrestling buy a wwf game if it s*cks to you return it dont say its horrible might discourage people who might like it.......

and remember the xbox is very new still and already we have such great games out there can we say that about the ps2 in its first few months..

02-13-2002, 07:17 PM
i dont got either and i dont think ill get em cause im not much of a wresteling fan and wreckless is timelimeted and i have enough car games for now

02-13-2002, 08:51 PM
I have a simple theory...
Wreckless suffers from the Azurik syndrome. People who have played Azurik more than 5 hours love it. Same with Wreckless. The problem is, people get frustrated TOO easily and it makes them give up, and then they dis the game. Once they dis the game, it starts a chain reaction of people hearing it sucks and such, and makes many people to not buy the game. People complain about the handling of cars on wreckless. I know they will get used to it, as I did, and you will become better by experience, and learn to control the car better over time. The same thing goes with any game, including Halo. Now halo had the same thing happen to it. People complained and whined about the controls. Now everyone loves them. I strongly feel this is because a combination of knowing the game is good, so they try extra hard to be good at it, and a part of how fun it is, even if they arent that good. The simple most important fact you must remember when playing any game, is that you get better through experience. The more you play, the better you become. And because you get better, it's only natural to like the game more. Who doesnt like to do something they are really good at?

02-13-2002, 09:02 PM
Frostberg, I agree with you <i>completely</i>. So many people quit a game when confronted with a challenge that may take a while to beat.

These people seem to prefer only a slight (If any) increase in difficulty, and this leaves some games feeling empty.

So, for example, imagine if Halo had only the Legendary difficulty. Would it be as popular? Hell no. Would it still be a kick ass game? Definetly :D

02-14-2002, 05:26 AM
if companies see negative
feedback from what they work
on ..like developers/producers
come onto the net and see all
us xboxers complaining about
every lil thing or every game, they
might not want to make
xbox games anymore:confused:
i hope that doesnt happen!!