View Full Version : New PD0 Vids

09-25-2005, 09:13 PM
In honor of my paying off my X360 and this game I found these and bring them to you. All these are mirrors cus this is hot and people are flooding the sites for it.
Video 1

Video 2

Having watched them both I got to say what a crappy physics engine, crappy AI, and the only good looking thing are those walls which is nothing I care about that much. Hope they step things up a lot. I really want to be happy with this game but these vids are bla.

09-25-2005, 10:25 PM
Is this a launch game?

09-25-2005, 10:42 PM
So I hear. Yes

OC Noob
09-25-2005, 10:52 PM
Is it multiplayer only or is there SP too?

09-25-2005, 11:52 PM
There are Story mode which reveal behind the heroine.

09-26-2005, 04:54 PM
Having watched them both I got to say what a crappy physics engine, crappy AI, and the only good looking thing are those walls which is nothing I care about that much. Hope they step things up a lot. I really want to be happy with this game but these vids are bla.

You've probably read this by now, but physics and AI were turned off/down to show off the graphics. I'm curious to see how it'll look at X05 and how much better these aspects of the game are.

09-26-2005, 06:04 PM
Ya I read that this was a debug thing later and that most things were off. Sheew glad to hear that.

09-26-2005, 09:07 PM
I just totally had a gameasm. Cosmic. Perfect Dark Zero is going to kick some major ass.

09-27-2005, 11:56 AM
i was going to say that this was just a tech demo but yea, most things were shut off. in reality the game uses the latest havok build (3.0 i beleive) and i have no idea how smart the A.I. is...