View Full Version : i found a messed up glitch on G.R.A.W

03-21-2006, 12:08 AM
alright so im crawling and i just completed my subtask
the guy starts ramblng on about some **** and when he finally shuts up i start to crawl forward again BUT i wasnt really crawling i sorta started floating and my arms went out and it looked like a crusified scott was floating forward...understand wat im saying sort of

well anyways u should try crawling when u complete a subtask and see wat happenes to u
see if the same thing happens

03-21-2006, 12:13 AM
once I froze in one spot. Could walk but I wouldnt move. Sad. I had to restart and for some reason it didnt save the last save either so It wasted like a half hours work!

03-21-2006, 08:20 AM
yeah early on my guy started to shake and couldnt stop and the thing with the floating after lying prone yeah..and ive shot people on ledges and they flew off like something blewup behind them and they also like to fall of ledges and not die too. Also shooting around some corners doesnt work correctly but its still awesome, but today its all about oblivion