View Full Version : I can't get a goddamn nuke!!!!

01-12-2010, 08:36 PM
Please tell me the secret on how to get a nuke!!!!!!!!

01-12-2010, 09:19 PM
Hmm I think that would require an overseas order!

01-12-2010, 09:25 PM
You got to play defensively. I'm not saying camping I'm saying move around just go really slow and make sure you check every corner. I find it easier when on some maps I like walking around the edges looking for strays. Sniping during an objective mission helps pretty well. On your gun put a damn silencer on it. Make sure though that you don't camp. If you decide to watch one spot you can kill perhaps 1 or 2 people then move again or else they will come back with a vengeance. Try to learn the prone shooting thing where you go to prone when you see someone while still shooting (Only applys if they see you). Its not suggested you try for it on TDM. Much harder because people will be aiming for you. A few small things help to such as if you are waiting for someone to go by staying on the left side is a good idea. As nerdy as it sounds I find watching a certain guy on youtube helps me a bit his account name is SeaNanners I find his tips help.

Suggested class would be:
Assualt Rifle preferable TAR, M4, or SCAR. Silencer attachment / Sniper is good too. (YOU NEED A SILENCER)
Secondary doesn't matter too much. (Its a good idea to pick up other people's guns as well).

Claymores (Set them as much as possible if you are moving.)
Stun Grenades (You throw them much faster than flashes)

Scavenger Pro
Stopping power
Ninja Pro

Harrier/Pavelow (If you do Harrier don't just waste it when you get it actually try to hit people with the explosions)
Chopper gunner/AC130

Hope this helps

01-12-2010, 09:32 PM
Don't run around, find a spot that you can defend well and do what you can there. Make sure Scavenger Pro is on and you'll never run outa ammo

OBL infad3ll
01-13-2010, 12:31 AM
Fargoth pretty much nailed it.

my sugestions other than what fargoth said is to use the Tar-21 with heartbeat sensor and hardline, because majority of the time the people who kill you arent the guys really far away, they are the ones sneeking up on you and the heartbeat sensor will let you know when you got an assailant approaching. and since the tar does a sh1t ton of damage hardline will help you get to those killstreaks.

about kill streaks, use the harrier. and when you call it in make sure you call it in over an open area that enemies often travel through.

another huge factor in getting a nuke is just pure luck. they dont happen to often unless your just a friggen god.

Or if your impatient, have a friend join a session in progress with tactical insertions and just keep killing him when he spawns next to you untill you get to 25. but this meathod will get you a ton of crap from other players!

01-13-2010, 08:32 AM
Or if your impatient, have a friend join a session in progress with tactical insertions and just keep killing him when he spawns next to you untill you get to 25. but this meathod will get you a ton of crap from other players!

If you do this we can't be friends.

01-13-2010, 09:10 AM
Don't feel bad Matt, I haven't gotten on either, and I've prestiged.

I'm not to concerned with it, it's cool but I haven't tried to go for it. I might aim for it near the end of this go around.

01-13-2010, 05:05 PM
So last night I was playing on afghan. I had harrier, chopper gunner, nuke. Without realizing it I got my Harrier, two seconds later I had a chopper gunner. I got nervous. I got 23 kills in a row. I was using a 50 cal with scrambler pro. I popped one kid in the bunker, the next kid ran right past me and I shot him in the back...... NUKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I slept like a baby.

01-13-2010, 09:15 PM
gj Matt...

Dang... I think 12 is my highest.

I like to run'n'gun to much to get a streak like that.

P.S. Double shotties is f'ing ridiculous and takes absolutely no skill.
Commando, Light weight, and Marathon running around knifing isn't much better.
though I can see how a game of just that with everyone would be hilarious.. but I thought this was a FPS.. lol

01-14-2010, 01:19 AM
gj Matt...

Dang... I think 12 is my highest.

I like to run'n'gun to much to get a streak like that.

P.S. Double shotties is f'ing ridiculous and takes absolutely no skill.
Commando, Light weight, and Marathon running around knifing isn't much better.
though I can see how a game of just that with everyone would be hilarious.. but I thought this was a FPS.. lol

I loved running and gunning in CoD4 and WaW. Doesn't work too well in MW2. I was disappointed too.

Scrambler: Not a good idea. They know exactly where you are if you use it

01-14-2010, 09:46 AM
gj Matt...

Dang... I think 12 is my highest.

I like to run'n'gun to much to get a streak like that.
I'm right there with you, I think my highest is 14 or 15. I like running around too, I can't camp, I get bored way to easy.

P.S. Double shotties is f'ing ridiculous and takes absolutely no skill.

I totally agree with the akimbo shotguns, I hate them more than I hate people who use heatbeat and thermal.

Commando, Light weight, and Marathon running around knifing isn't much better.
though I can see how a game of just that with everyone would be hilarious.. but I thought this was a FPS.. lol

We have done a few of these games. Knifes only with the above mentioned perks on rust, tons of fun.
I like throwing knives in the air and seeing if I hit people. I've gotten a few. The killcam from them is awesome.

01-14-2010, 06:46 PM
I've a few lying under some old clothes, have it.

01-14-2010, 07:37 PM
"Scrambler: Not a good idea. They know exactly where you are if you use it"

How so? I think I use that haha.. I need to change it up I guess.

I'm right there with you, I think my highest is 14 or 15. I like running around too, I can't camp, I get bored way to easy.

I totally agree with the akimbo shotguns, I hate them more than I hate people who use heatbeat and thermal.

We have done a few of these games. Knifes only with the above mentioned perks on rust, tons of fun.
I like throwing knives in the air and seeing if I hit people. I've gotten a few. The killcam from them is awesome.

Haha yeah I'm not a big fan of the thermal scope.. I tried it the other day, it's hard, zooms in to far.

01-14-2010, 08:05 PM
"Scrambler: Not a good idea. They know exactly where you are if you use it"

How so? I think I use that haha.. I need to change it up I guess.

Haha yeah I'm not a big fan of the thermal scope.. I tried it the other day, it's hard, zooms in to far.

If you have scrambler on then you can pin point a persons location by seeing how much fuzz your radar has.

01-15-2010, 08:56 AM
Yeah, scrambler is a bad perk to run. Once I see my radar start snowing up, I start looking everywhere around me. I end up killing the scrambler more than they kill me.

Hit a new high streak last night. 22 kills in a row, and only 2 deaths.

EDIT: I wanted to ask you guys this.
Has anyone else been killed by their own bullet bounced off a riot shield?

Happend to me last night, I was shooting a guy when one of my teammates with a shield on his back ran in front of me and I died. I'm sitting there going WTF? Watch the killcam and you can actually watch the bullet fly from your gun and bounce off the shiled and hit you. It's a sweet killcam, just sucks to be on the end of your own bullet.

01-15-2010, 12:59 PM
Yup that sucked but like i said i would have loved to see that kill cam. that's a one in a million shot.

01-15-2010, 09:22 PM
EDIT: I wanted to ask you guys this.
Has anyone else been killed by their own bullet bounced off a riot shield?

Happend to me last night, I was shooting a guy when one of my teammates with a shield on his back ran in front of me and I died. I'm sitting there going WTF? Watch the killcam and you can actually watch the bullet fly from your gun and bounce off the shiled and hit you. It's a sweet killcam, just sucks to be on the end of your own bullet.


Oh about the scrambler.... makes sense, but without it then your red dot shows right?

01-16-2010, 02:19 AM

Oh about the scrambler.... makes sense, but without it then your red dot shows right?

If you fire an unsilenced weapon and scrambler only works when they are near you so they can still find your general area if they are far away. This is why you always want a silencer on your gun. If you love another type of attachment just put bling on.

01-21-2010, 04:46 PM
The only thing I don't like about silencer is that it takes some of your range down.

01-21-2010, 04:51 PM
The only thing I don't like about silencer is that it takes some of your range down.

I feel its worth it because people won't know where you are and you can be more risky with shots.

01-21-2010, 05:21 PM
Yea, they might as well change "Scrambler" to "Dinner Bell".

As for the nuke... I'm with most of you guys. I am too fast and mobile to ever stay alive long.

PS Marathon + Lightweight + Commando + Tactical knife = :)

06-12-2011, 12:26 AM
Don't feel bad Matt, I haven't gotten on either, and I've prestiged.

I'm not to concerned with it, it's cool but I haven't tried to go for it. I might aim for it near the end of this go around.

I am a third prestige level 58 and I STILL have not gotten a single nuke. It makes me so mad especially since recently I have:
1. Gotten 24 kills with JUST my intervention (no killstreaks) and got noobtubed
2. Gotten 23 kills with killstreaks and got noobtubed
3. Gotten 24 kills with killstreaks and got blown up by the most random claymore ever. I have never been so mad!!:cuss:

06-12-2011, 12:33 AM
"Scrambler: Not a good idea. They know exactly where you are if you use it"

How so? I think I use that haha.. I need to change it up I guess.

Haha yeah I'm not a big fan of the thermal scope.. I tried it the other day, it's hard, zooms in to far.

I LOVE the thermal. I use it on all of my snipers. Not to good on most automatics but the ump45 and acr are pretty good with it. Oh and if your into quickscoping its really fun with thermal

06-12-2011, 12:56 AM
Necropost :P

07-03-2011, 02:22 PM
Im at six nukes now and even though I dont try to I manage to get them when I set up the killstreaks.

07-04-2011, 04:05 PM
Once you get one it doesn't stop, I am/was prestige 9 and 10 on PS3 and 5 on Xbox and got around 20 nukes and about 28 thousand kills altogether!
Good Luck!