View Full Version : Video Games Recently

02-01-2010, 01:33 AM
I mentioned this a little in my review, but I starting to get frustrated with the games put out at this time. I haven't really noticed it since I've played Mass Effect 2 that many games are simply the same with just new paint on it.

I mean seriously, I love Modern Warfare 2, but seriously its just better graphics a few new guns, a few new maps, and small things to keep you happy, but in how many way is it really different from the first that is groundbreaking? As I thought about this I realize many games are simply just like that, either a copy or just some small way to scrape money.

This saddens me because I remember when I was younger, developers spent a lot more time into their games and I was always on the ropes about what to get, because everything was different. Now everything is the same and if not theres not much different.

I know I just sound like a Bioware fanboy, but Bioware has always put original groundbreaking new innovations into its game, you can always see the amount of time they put into their games and stories when other games are simply just trying to capitalize on an idea by slapping on some new paint and sucking the popularity of the name dry. When I play a bioware game I always feel like I'm playing something new and I never realized this until Mass Effect 2. I compared sequels. Mass Effect with say Call of Duty. Mass Effect listened to its complaints fixed everything and then some Call of duty to me is just a few extra nails and some shine put onto it.

I'm pretty much just saying I'm hating the lack of originality and the lack of time developers are really willing to spend into actually making a quality game instead of some scam for more money.

I'm done ranting... Thoughts?

02-01-2010, 02:24 AM
I agree, it's why I'm hesitant to purchase any new shooters, it seems like there is absolutely NOTHING they can do new. I played some ME2 at a friends house, and man, it was fun lol.

Really the only games I'm noticing lately that have actually come up with innovating stuff to play. I mean AC2 was and still is innovating for me (still don't have the game sad face). ME2, best said by Gus from Roosterteeth "It was like mass effect was an open beta for Mass Effect 2 where they polished everything listened to complaints etc." maybe it's because Bioware is just that awesome.

Hell even this one PS3 game called Demon's Souls (shut up var) that I should be arriving on my doorstep sometime on wednesday. From professional reviews, player reviews, and gameplay video's. This game brings back what our old games back on the NES and what not, used to bring as a standard. Real actual difficulty, normal enemies can kill the strongest people in a few hits. The game is "never" unfair, the only reason you die is because of you not the game. This was what I missed in my games. Sure it's frustrating, but it gives some sort of accomplishment.

It's sort of like yelling at a boss you just killed who could almost definitely one shot you "HAHA I OWNED YOU" moments. We need games that bring back the principles of the old games we used to play, but still love. That's my three cents, now can I borrow a dollar?

02-01-2010, 08:12 AM
Both of you bring up very good points and I don't believe any gamer looks forward to spending hours playing the same old game styles....

However, much of the problem in the business today is centered on the gamers themselves. We have, uniformly, accepted the glitz and glamour over the depth of field. I thought MW2 was extraordinary, but as mentioned, it was not revolutionary, it simply took the good and added new imaging and minor multiplayer tweaks. And that's why it was so good, it was familiar, it was intriguing (as were previous releases)...adding the new imaging drew on my desire to further the original title.

If, as gamers, we seek only revolutionary games then we must ignore 'sequels'...I do agree that some developers ignore the comments from the masses, but the developers that work to 'reimagine' titles deserve a following....

I equate it to the fuel scenario we faced here in Northern Ontario....prices were as much as .30 per litre higher than areas just a few hours south. The only reason is that we continued to pay more...no one limited their driving or sought out lower priced retailers...we just complained that the big gas giants were trying to placate us with 'new' fuels (lower emissions, biofuels, etc) When the area, came together with this realization we priced out the competition and today we pay less than .3 cents per litre from those same areas south of us.

By far, the best thing for gamers are reviews....seeing what our peers are drawn to, see the highlights and pitfalls. As a group we can effect change; comment on reviews, offer any insight or additions

Crappy games will always exist, but we need to encourage the evolution with the consumer choices we each make....

I applaud you for bringing this to the forefront of our collective thoughts and with luck and a whole lot of comments perhaps we'll effect positive growth and opportunity.

I may be off base, but its early Monday morning and I'm looking forward to other points of view....