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  1. #1
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    Jan 2001

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Jan 2001

    Default ...?

    buying american is good because? atari's sucked. i believe in buying american foods, art products, car tires and a few other things...but as far as technology goes's a free for all.

  3. #3

    Default C'mon man!

    In the day and age, Atari was the bomb! I remember when that system first hit the shelves. Honestly, we were all thrown quicker to the floor aweing at the graphics in the day than by the mega stuff we have floating around now. I remember opening that shiny new atari on a cold Christmas morning, and playing all day long. And, the Atari was popular and mainstream for years longer than systems such as the PS. Hey, I love the fact that the systems are getting better, but I still have so many good memmories of crowding around that Atari 2600. Oh man, wood finish case...nice steel rubber capped selector switchs...oh man. And...your right on the money Proto...some good reasons there bud!

    *editors note*

    I was one of the peeps who actually wanted to see the Atari Jaquar succeed..and was sad when it bombed horribly. (Guess I was hoping to recapture a tad bit of the kid in myself from back in the Atari 2600 days...)

  4. #4
    Registered User Underdog's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Forest, VA


    I too had some great times on the Atari. Like kicking my sister's ass in "Combat". Good times, yes they were!

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