I just started, left the town, went to Calader the mining town or whtaever its called, nothing interesting there, found some chick that i escorted to Bal Mok or whatever its called and then wandered around killing stuff til i found a cool looking cavern, so to mess around I went in, it's calledl ike Iolou's Carcass Cavern or something, and it's gigantic, it's got 6 levels, and now I can't get out because I had to jump off a water fall to get down into it. I just found the corpse and it has the famous mage's stuff on it and it has an armor: 7 armor and some sword that does 40-80 damage and a staff that's worth alot. But now after killing all the zombies lurking around in the cavern or whatever they are i can't get out. I really need to get to balemore or whatever the town's called so i can give that retard the package. Any suggestions, guys? I really do like the new stuff, so i wouldnt want to restart again if possible.