Quote Originally Posted by Conchord View Post
I don't mod either (I am too stupid), but I would really like to paint my xbox anyway. I have already had it refurbed, and it works fine... besides, my warranty is about to expire anyways, so I will pay them to fix it if it ****s up again.

I don't want to ruin my innards, however... perhaps you can tell me a safe way to remove the case as to not get paint inside?

And if anyone knows what the best type of paint to use on the side (I will probably just be using a brush set), I would really appreciate it.
I've never removed a case. Like I said, that gets into modding and I'm against that. One kid gets electrocuted and I'd feel horrible. Just don't do it. Find another way.

Also, that's what I means about Microsoft not touching it with a ten foot pole. Once you open that box, they won't repair it at all, under warranty OR if you pay them. They won't accept the responsibility when they have no idea what YOU might have done to the inside of the box. They'll see that it's been opened, and mail it right back to you.