I didn't put this in the Game area as there is no General Gaming section.

Blacksite Area 51- This game could have been AAA. Instead it ended up a buggy mess. If you played the Demo, you played the best part of Blacksite. From Humvie's that float in the air to being able to walk right through a pickup truck, this is one game that should not have been released without major work to fix it's flaws.

Spiderman 3- From citizens that appear in thin air to buggy collision detection to a New York city that feels dead, Spiderman 3 is a huge step back in the series. The best Spiderman game was the original. Sure it was linear but it was done right. No filler, no junk. In Spiderman 2 a little girl would call out to save her balloon. C'mon Spidy, you must have at least one pocket in that suit. Pull out a buck and tell that whining twit to buy a new balloon. You have better things to do. In Spiderman 3, the whining brat was replaced with Mary Jane yelling for Spiderman to "Take me higher, higher, oh God higher". It's not a porn. It's a videogame. Next time leave the filler out and concentrate on the important aspects of the game. Like citizens that speak and more than one car with four different skins.

What are your biggest gaming disappointments? Vent here.