well I figured I would just share my tiny collection that I'm hoping to slowly increase w/ a wide variety of plates. I know what I've got now isn't much but as the title suggests it's my starter kit for now. Here's a pic a took of my plates but not including the recent E305 I got but I'm assuming it's Fake and looking to find a real one.

the one OEM Plate that's been done up was the work of me and a friend of mine w/ some Sharpie Permanent markers. It was somethign to do and kill time at work...lol That was also before I had seen what SpaceGhost2k was doing to customize them on a whole diff. level. I just won a Lot of 3 plates from ebay and will be adding Universe at War,Viva Pinata and I'll have an extra Outfit plate.

I've seen quite a few nice collections amungst the bunch here and I hope to one day have something that'll be worthy so I'll slowly, but surely add 1 or 2 here or there and build it up plate by plate. If anyone has an extra plate or may need an Outfit plate do let me know. I've been trying to get a GTAIV, DarkSector or Madcatz-Graffiti Train, as I'm a old school fan of Graffiti, and do a little graffiti work myself.
thanks for stopping by to look and hope to have some updates soon....