Hey Spacey, it's SuperMonkeyHero up here in the Bay Area. I hope all is well with you and congrats on getting the faceplate database up and running! I just wanted to let you know (if you don't already) and the gang here, that Game Crazy is going to be doing a Soul Calibur IV faceplate pre-order gift. I talked to a friend at Namco to try and get details and the only thing he'd seen as a prototype was a Yoda 360 faceplate. Assuming the forums have Game Crazy managers/sales associates roaming among us is there any word or pics of who's on the plate or if this offer will be similar to the Ace Combat 6 and Eternal Sonata collections of faceplates?

Spacey did you ever decide if you're making the trek to E3? Only 2 weeks to go!