This is a project that offers a creative outlet for those who want to play.

This is what you need to do. Scour the web (God knows, it needs scouring), and find a cool picture that would look good on a faceplate. Now, here's the catch. It has to either be Public Domain (meaning, nobody owns the rights to it), or it has to be an image you created or a picture of something you created, where YOU own the rights to it.

Here are some examples.

I look on the web, and I see a photo of a graffiti painting. Now, if YOU took the picture, it would be public domain, because the original art is in the public domain. But if someone ELSE took the picture, it may or may not be public domain. If they changed the photo in any meaningful way, they could own the photo.

I look on the web, and I see a photo of a 100 year old painting. The painting is PD, but again, if someone altered their photo, it could be determined that they could place a copyright on the new photo. For instance, I found a photo of "Blossoming Almond Branch" by Da Vinci. The original art is PB. But what the photographer had done was use the Photoshop "clone" took to extend the edges of the painting aby about three inches in every direction, and also used the took on spots in the center of the painting, to "mark" it. His excuse for "altering it in a meaningful way" was extending the image. The extended areas did not exist, nor did the altered areas, until he did them, so that's his picture.

One idea would be to look in places where the pictures hosted are identified as Public Domain, rather than looking at everything and then wondering if it is or isn't.

I'll do a few in a bit.