When I was at E3 a couple of years ago, I saw a faceplate. It was on a console that was actually being used to show off coming Xbox stuff. I can't say what was on this plate because I was asked not to. They were getting ready to make a faceplate for a game, and they made a number of prototypes, and then chose from those. The ones that weren't chosen existed in 3's, and were just, disposed of. This one never made it to a trashcan, and existed only to drive me bat**** crazy for the next two years.

Anyway, that's one I can't talk about, but guess what? I found FIVE that I CAN talk about!

When Microsoft and Rare were deciding upon the art that would be used for their Viva Pinata faceplate, there were five other designs that were passed upon.

I sent an email off to someone I met from Rare, and asked them if we could actually offer a set of these plates. I'll let you know if I hear anything back.