I placed an order for about ten printed plates three weeks ago, and they arrived today. I can say, for those of you who have had issues, that there is a 95% improvement in the plates.

1) My plates came in a large box with cardboard dividers. I dont' know how you will get them if you just do one or two, but for a number of plates, instead of coming in a bag, I'm VERY happy.

2) Colors are nice and bright and not washed out.

3) Plates are much better quality. No untrimmed plastic, no i/r port flopping around in the bag, and all doors open smoothly.

The only thing of which I have an issue is the darker plates. I had three plates that included a lot of black: Star Wars, Mass Effect and CoD:MW2. Most of the detail was lost on these plates. My star field on the Star Wars plate has one star. It could be a contrast issue.

My solution, and I'm going to try this so I'm not saying "this works" yet, is to lighten the image when it's really dark. I will try the CoD:MW2 plate again, because it's for someone else, and let you know if I fixed the problem.

I have some errands to run, then I'll come back with pictures.

One of these may be my new favorite plate. You'll see in a bit.