Im slowly progressin throught the Fighter and Theives guild. The fighters guild quest Im on now tells me to go to a women at the sout wall corner club in Balmora and get a code book from here, When i ask her for it she says no i cant have it blah blah, i cant kill her cause theres to many people there What should i do?

Also in the theives guild I was told to go to some fishing/smuggling village place and steal back some dwemmer artifacts, a bowl, goblet, and tube to be exact. I cant find them anywhere and i talked to the guy who supposedly stole them. In the basement of that guys shop someone asked me to escort a slave back to balmora so i agreed and when i got there the man i delivered the slave to tried to kill the slave. I stood back and watched the too fight. and the slave won, i talked to the slave and she said there were DRUGS IN HER STOMACH (HAHA) thats why she was almost killed. Now i agreed to help this slave go somewhere but i dont have a clue, has anyone else followed the same path as me?