I am about ½ way thru the story, and have done about 20 or more of the arcades and challenges and I think that TimeSplitters2 is a good, new, interesting game. But, it’s no HALO, and shouldn’t have been referred to by XBOX Magazine as “First HALO, than this” ... NO. Not in the same breath.

I find the boards (I’m thru 5 of the 10) to be fairly easy, small in space (one of my biggest disappointments), and not too thought provoking or challenging.

The boards are considerably smaller than HALO … a few streets, a few buildings, a few tunnels. HALO, on the other hand, has rivers, waterfalls, mountains, beaches, ships interiors, buildings, tunnels, mazes, tanks, planes, … the whole 9 yards.

HALO is bigger, prettier, scarier, more innovative and has a better story. I also think the concepts used in halo, the space monsters, the vehicles that you can drive, the GREAT cut scenes, the MAW, the Flood, the outstanding "5 star" immersive soundtrack ... and countless other things make HALO a hell of a lot better game than TS2.

If HALO didn’t exist, I’d be a lot more impressed by TS2, so I guess I am a bit spoiled.

All in all, I would give TS2 a 7 out of 10 rating. HALO is an 11/10.

As you Gen-X’ers would say … HALO RULES!

Looking forward to HALO2, and HALO Live.

Master Chief.