Atari and Stormfront Studios confirm that their Dungeons & Dragons-inspired action adventure game is coming to the Xbox and PS2 this fall.

Atari and Stormfront Studios have today confirmed that Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, which is scheduled for release on the PlayStation 2 in September, is also in development for the Xbox. Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone is a single-player action adventure game set in the popular Dungeons & Dragons world created by Wizards of the Coast. The game will boast a storyline developed by New York Times best-selling author R.A. Salvatore, and it will feature the considerable voice talents of actors Michael Clarke Duncan and Patrick Stewart.

Although Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone will be single-player only, players will actually assume control of a party of three characters--a fighter, a sorcerer, and a rogue. Players will be able to switch between characters at will to take advantage of the unique abilities offered by each. While using one character, the remaining two characters are controlled by "sophisticated" artificial intelligence. For more information on Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone, check out our previous coverage of the PS2 version of the game.