I copied & pasted this from another thread .... just curious what everyone else thinks .

I really dont understand why everyone is so concerned with backwards compatibility .
I could care less about playing old games on the 360 , they are "old" games .
I still have all my original Xbox games but not my Xbox , it was stolen .
I think I have somwhere around 20 games and dont intend on playing even one of them on my 360 , why would I ? there old , been there done that , old games , old graphics .
I would rather wait for the new generation of games .
Do you really think you will be playing these old games a year from now when the 360 has a huge library of amazing games ?
Does it also bother you that you cant watch your new high def tv in black and white

Whats everyone elses take on this ?

Am I the only one that could care less about playing old games on a new system that has so much more to offer than an old Xbox game can offer ????