Hey all, im just wondering about the "X-Box Keyboard" thats coming out soon...
a couple of the things i heard about it sound kinda retarded to me
like its gonna be a white keyboard....i hope that its a black keyboard with lime green buttons to match the X-Box console itelf, the controllers, and the DVD remote. If they make it white, that would be downsyndrom...

also, will we be able to surf the net with our X-BOX's???
that would be hype...

and , is there anyway we can change our X-BOX background?
cause its so easy to do on the comp!!! xbox should come out with a CD that has a bunch of different backgrounds...
like porn ones, etc...or even if you could upload pictures to the background from your comp (over gamespy) that would be sick
...if anyone knows anything about this or has input on it, please feel free to reply! and if you think i have crazy retarded ideas and have 47 chromosones, then your right
cause i am a downer