I'm new to this site and I just wanted to say hey to everyone. I love my xbox 360...I would marry it if I could. Ok maybe not but I'm sure you guys get the idea lol. The 360 games I currently own are:

Kameo, PGR3, DOA4, Oblivion, Dead Rising, N3, Perfect Dark Zero and G.R.A.W. I also have many regular xbox games. My favorite has to be Halo 2...big shocker I bet lol.

If you wanna know a bit about me, my name is Jacqulynn...I'm 21 and I live in Ga. But I lived in Ontario, Canada for 19 years. I've been a gamer my whole life. My favorite genre in games right now is probably FPS. I do like other types though. I was big into the XBL Arcade game Uno for a while, and I love games such as MK Deception and DOA4.