OK, let me clarify my stand on modding. This is a good place to do it.

Discussions on modding where the processing of information of the 360 is altered are STRICTLY forbidden. What do I mean by that? I mean discussions of altering your Xbox to do things that it doesn't do out of the box. Swapping disc drives, installing other hard drives, modifying it so that it can store and play games from the hard drive, modding it so it can play ROMS... that kind of thing. If it goes against the "terms of use", I will delete it, and additional attempts to post similar information will ultimately result in a ban.

I find case modding as interesting as the next guy, and IMHO, adding lights and stuff like that is fine.

HOWEVER... my concern is that people will attempt it without knowing the RAMIFICATIONS of their decision to case mod their console.

Opening the console and breaking the seal doesn't just void your warranty (which DOES have a value, meaning you just threw money away), but Microsoft will no longer service your console even if you are willing to pay for it. If the box is sealed, then they know exactly what is inside. If the box is open, they have NO idea what might be in there, and therefore will not accept the responsibility for the condition of those "guts" by opening the box. It will be sent back to you with an "I'm sorry" letter.

Opening the console means that your only recourse in the event of damage or defect is having your console serviced by a party other than Microsoft. And that's fine, as long as you understand that BEFORE you open the box and not afterward when there's no going back.

Finally, altering the use of electricity used by the system CAN be detected by Microsoft over Xbox LIVE and can result in your console electronically being banned from LIVE. In other words, even if all you did was add ONE little light, you might end up with a console that will be unable to be played over LIVE.

Let me give you a little insight. I'm in Seattle right now, having just spent two days talking to over two dozen people at Microsoft from all aspects of Xbox: Hardware, software, marketplace, LIVE, security, etc. I will say this as simply as I can...

Do NOT screw with Microsoft, because they are bigger than you in ways you can't even imagine.

They are not the enemy. Rather, they will do everything in their power to make the Xbox LIVE experience as good as it can be, and they will follow the Terms of Use agreement that you agreed to when you plugged that sucker in, to the LETTER of the law. They are very passionate about protecting the LIVE experience. You may push a little. You may push a litttle more. But when Microsoft pushes back, you WON'T be able to say "but... but... but..."

My recommendation is, and will remain, that if you want to customize your console, do it through the faceplate and not the guts. A blue, glowing BRICK is not a joy to be had.

Honestly, I LOVE what you are going to make this, as long as you inderstand what the ultimate result MIGHT be, and you're cool with it.