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Thread: what features do you guys want in the new console?

  1. #1

    Default what features do you guys want in the new console?

    Post your wishes here. Let's see where this goes!

  2. #2
    wake me... when u need me Symmetrics Love's Avatar
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    I know that "someone" is gonna come down on me for this lol... but I'd like the new console to have a built in Kinect I'd also like to have backwards compatibility so im able to play my 360 games... I'd hate more then anything to have to revamp my collection... I honestly think if it doesn't have backwards comp. i wont upgrade my Xbox and I'll just stick with what I have...

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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetrics Love-XBA View Post
    I know that "someone" is gonna come down on me for this lol... but I'd like the new console to have a built in Kinect I'd also like to have backwards compatibility so im able to play my 360 games... I'd hate more then anything to have to revamp my collection... I honestly think if it doesn't have backwards comp. i wont upgrade my Xbox and I'll just stick with what I have...
    Just keep your 360 then, BC isn't a big deal, I don't get why people can't keep the old system if the new doesn't have BC
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  4. #4
    wake me... when u need me Symmetrics Love's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Variation-XBA View Post
    Just keep your 360 then, BC isn't a big deal, I don't get why people can't keep the old system if the new doesn't have BC
    well I dont wanna be a "hoarder" i like as little clutter as possible I dont see the point having 2 systems hooked up when i can only play one at a time... i also dont see having 2 systems for the very same reason... so i'd be happy with 1 console, and it having everything "all in one" if its not BC then no big deal, i just wont buy it at least not until I'm totally bored of my 360 (which will NEVER happen) or MS doesn't support it anymore... until then, i'll be content

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  5. #5
    The lone voice of reason. Symmetric-XBA's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Variation-XBA View Post
    Just keep your 360 then, BC isn't a big deal, I don't get why people can't keep the old system if the new doesn't have BC
    This is almost a requirement though for MS going forward. Think of the lifespan and all the games that are on the 360. MS would be committing gaming suicide if they didn't include backwards compat. I don't think this is something that we will have to worry about moving forward.

    There is a fine line between collecting a library, being a hoarder of video games, and being a smart person who cashes in lmao.

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  6. #6
    Free Soda Jones's Avatar
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    If Microsoft doesn't want to invest in backwards compatible hardware they should open up an exchange where you give them your hard copy and they give you access to a digital copy. At the very least it would promote large hard drive sales and they could even charge a small fee for the exchange. All this and the ability to avoid having to invest in and fit backwards compatible hardware and software to accommodate the original disks.

  7. #7


    well since they missed the boat with Blue Ray on the 360, I would like to see that as a feature on the next console.
    Thanks Nazareth
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  8. #8
    Registered User Bertnell's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Variation-XBA View Post
    Just keep your 360 then, BC isn't a big deal, I don't get why people can't keep the old system if the new doesn't have BC
    That was my biggest mistake my HALO edition original XBOX for the the 360....... Definately keeping my current gen XBOX360 when new console comes out. Set the new one right next to the old one.....

  9. #9
    U stole my old posts! tsrdawg's Avatar
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    1) I'd like to play on XBL without dodging all those ads and promos to game.

    2) I'd like Xbox3 to be as reliable as my Xbox1, which I play more than my Xbox2.

    3) I'd like to see Kinect technology more developed, resulting in smoother gameplay...Kinect better be integrated into Xbox3

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  10. #10
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    Is there features really that isn't already there?!?
    The xbox 360 is the most feature rich device I have ever seen..
    Verizon Fios

    And it's GOING to have a web browser soon..

    Honestly for the next system.. it's more about just refining those experiences...
    Netflix rocks.. but they can flesh it out better.
    Facebook is neat, but it's slow.. they can flesh it out better.

    Just make what is there a top notch experience.. because that's the main thing I see.. is they just loaded it up with all this stuff.. and frankly it's not the best experience with it.. so just make it all top notch.

    Make sure the graphic capability is going to be something of a top of the line PC like they did with the 360.. the 360 was the first console that when it came out was able to match a top of the line PC.. But I don't even have a top of the line PC now (I have a GTX 460) and my PC can run all these games (spec ops, battfield 3) and look better then the 360 now... the 360 is old though.. so it's amazing the how good the games do look.. it's not like there is a big difference on my computer from the console.. so that's a huge plus for the 360..

    Okay so I know I'm kinda rambling.. But they just need to make sure it's power house system, add blu-ray and make all the experience that is there a top notch experience. Including their own dash board.. it's not the best setup.. And like other said, it's hard to find some of the things that was so easy to get to before. But with them adding sooooo much in such a quick time, it's kinda obvious that is going to happen.. So clean it up, refine, and power house hardware, and it's good to go! Maybe reduce the cost of XBL.. I use to be with most saying the cost was a drop in the hate.. but honestly, now that I have a gaming pc again (first time since like 2000 maybe)... being able to play pc games online with no extra cost.. and I just recently got a ps3 (which by the way.. xbox is soooooo much better.. those stupid fanboys are on f***ing crack if they think the ps3 is better, I'm going to go make a topic about this actually now, because I was able to ramble about that haha).

    Go Xbox! and PC btw Guild Wars 2 ROCKS!!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Bakeman View Post
    Guild Wars 2 ROCKS!!
    What server you on?
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  12. #12
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    Anvil Rock (I think that's right)... a friend of mine who planed on getting the game before went to that server.. so I joined him.

    I got have a lvl 18 Necro and a lvl 17 Guardian I haven't been able to decide which to stick with alol. My necro is like a lvl 50 tailor.. so I use him to make use bags.. but recently I sold like 200 copper ore on the trading post for like 20c each.. and make a killing so I was able to just buy nice bags..

    I might stop doing tailor or any other craft profession and stick to just gathering and mining and sell the stuff.. make enough money to just buy what I need haha.

  13. #13
    Previously: RELAXED SamSmith's Avatar
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    I don't care for blu ray; I think physical media in its entirety is dated. I'd like to see things move toward digital download and eventually instant streaming.

    There will always be a demand for hard copies - I'm not saying do away with them, just give the consumer a choice.

    I'd like to see windows marketplace integration. We see that ms are trying to unify the windows experience across all devices; I hope the Xbox is part of this plan. I would like to be able to download and use apps as I would on my pc, phone or tablet. I want to be able to get XBMC on the Xbox!

    Furthering the unification of devices, I'd like to see Xbox gamers starting to play alongside pc and tablet gamers if playing the same titles. The player base potential is massice; this is one area where MS could land a significant blow against its competitors.

    I don't personally care much for Facebook apps or browsing, but for those who want it it's great that they have the option. I have netflix, but I find the Xbox app poorly designed and clunky for finding content. It's also very annoying that the Irish version of netflix is massively inferior to the US version.

    I want better media integration. I want to be able to stream my media instantly and without issue across various devices throughout my network. Something like Xbmc... Or even better yet, as I mentioned previously, Xbmc itself!

    Graphical capabilities will match the current top tier pc's I'd imagine... Then a year later its already outdated. This is to be expected, but I wonder if this sort of problem can be solved? Perhaps the potential for semi-shared cloud processing in the future? Either way, I wouldn't consider it to be a big issue as people don't generally buy consoles for their processing power; pc's will always be ahead there, but tend to falter when it comes to ease of use / comfort / user experience etc.

    I'd like to see some real innovation and surprises when it comes to content. I can't remember the last time I looked at a console game and thought "I must buy this!" - I'd love to see valve bring steam to the platform, allowing you to access your pc library and visa versa.

    User generated content is something I expect to make a big entrance. If the Xbox enabled universal game streaming and recording and allowed people to access various streams / clips within apps / menus it would be fantastic. Clip of the month / gamer of the month / most viewed videos etc. Besides being awesome it would be free publicity and ad space for said games.

    I'd also like to see the introduction of micro transactions, furthering this I'd like to be able to bet against fellow gamers! A'la "hey you, think you can beat me? I bet you 5 dollars I'll beat you in *insertgamehere*", "oh yeah? You're on!"

    I'll have more to add later when I'm not typing from this awkward phone!

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  14. #14
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    The only things I want are a way to transfer or just plug my 360 HDD into the new system and backwards compatibility...

  15. #15
    STRIKE 3 YOU'RE OUT !!! Striker Qc's Avatar
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    I believe I have read somewhere that the next gen console will not be backward compatible, not sure of the source but it seemed that it was going that way. But I would wish for our new console to actually update itself while not connected, a bit like the PS3 does at this moment. Better graphics and less waiting time in between loading.
    Should start becoming more voice activated, phone support, that you really walk in your living room and be able to phone friends, live over phone lines or Voip to phone.
    More of a futuristic machine, I think technology as not stepped up to what was expected for the big turn of the century a bit like cars that were suppose to fly.

  16. #16
    Feeding my pet moose HaZarD SFD's Avatar
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  17. #17


    Let's would be nice if it had a blu-ray and, i hope u can use old games(from 360)on it instead of buying the new(720)ones.....

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