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Thread: Halo on PC? Discuss.

  1. #21
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    Originally posted by ALC
    yeah, gearbox did "opposing force"

    /me reads Halo box cover...
    "only on xbox".. That... hmmmmmm... How quickly they ate their words..
    Not, really. The "only on xbox" slogan has already been defined awhile ago to mean exclusive among gaming consoles. Halo going to PC is such old news I can't believe some folks here are making a big fuss over it now.

  2. #22
    Home Theatre Guru LynxFX's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ALC
    anyway.,. If (apparantly) the reason everyone was buying xbox was Halo, then that wasnt a wise idea for microsoft.. maybe they should manufacture PCs instead.
    I think everyone that bought an Xbox or any console for that matter was to play games not just a game. Like DBXNY, Halo was slated to be on the PC first anyway, but was later changed to be on the Xbox first.
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  3. #23
    Wondering Around
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    everybody done gone and jumped to conclusions all sudden like... (intentionally written that way)....

    Halo 2 with full online support will be out for the holiday shopping season in 2003. Am i worried? Of course not. There will always be a different market for PC games and console games. Some games will always be better suited for a PC environment. Some better suited for a console environment.

    And no, halo going to mac and pc will not "end the world of xbox". *yawn*.
    Last edited by Shannon-XBA; 07-20-2002 at 10:55 PM.

  4. #24
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    Hmmmm - how many of you "freaked out doomsayers" stopped to think like this

    Halo on PC - by that time I would assume Halo would be at the Platinum Price, like with PS2, and people might want to see what all the fuss is about on an XBOX....
    I would want the marketing dept at MS sacked, since they have done a woeful job of trying to sell the XBOX......

    It might add a few extra XBOX buyers, since MS is one of the most cashed up companies in the world, they aren't exactly going to give up in a whimper in the console market.
    I can't believe how the average Joe is being sucked into buying the two year old PS2 when the newer XBOX is the same price, but a better buy. How much money is Sony throwing at stores to get them to sell the PS2?!!

  5. #25


    I was expecting some kind of Halo game on PC, but not the Xbox version. Microsoft did a bad choice, but Halo was originally supposed to be for PC anyway.

    What really bugs me is that it's coming out for MAC (piece of junk). PC and Xbox are sort of the same in a way, such as the engine, but a MAC!

    Halo isn't the only good game on Xbox. There are games that are coming out for Xbox that will be very good. I hope Gearbox and the other company screw Halo up for PC/MAC, because one of the reasons why Halo was so good was that Bungie developed it.

  6. #26


    xboxgamer142: No one has said yet whether or not the PC Halo version will be the same as the X-box version. For all we know, it could have the Flamethrower in it! As time goes by we will know exactly what will be in the PC version, so hold on for a while.

  7. #27
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    I think this is a bad move for Xbox. Even though Halo wasn't the one reason to get an Xbox, it was an important one.

    And you know when it comes on PC ***hole know-nothing gamers will prance about showing off their version, saying how much better it is, and how "X-Box SUX!"

    If I had to make a decision about this I wouldn't have had Halo go to the PC, I hope Microsoft would release something on why they did this, and how this will benefit Xbox in anyway...because I can't seem to think of one.

  8. #28
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    Why not put it on the pc? It isn't going to come out for another year and maybe even later than that because didn't they put the release date next summer. 6 months after it goes for the pc we will be getting halo 2. Most games are better on the pc anyways and playing games online is the best part. Once you start your hooked. If I had a better comp then I would probably just play games on the computer. I was reading on where when this game was first suppose to be on the computer they were going to make it so you played huge battles where you could be covenant and all. It's on somewhere so just read it there I don't have the link. And with computer games there is so much more that can be done. But I love the xbox and I am just waiting until this fall when all the good fps games come out. Look at most of the ones that are coming out that everyone wants. Most of them were computer games.

  9. #29
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    ok everyone should just calm down, Halo is awesome..YES..but we all know that there is going to be a game better then Halo, and that will be Halo 2...everyone will be thinking about Halo 2, the next Halo

    and that will be exclusive to xbox for at least a little while, we all know that..


  10. #30
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    Agrees with melon. People who are all upset about this are acting all crazy. Especially the guy who said he was going to get rid of his xbox and buy a ps2 just because halo was going to come out on the pc. The game was suppose to come out on it all along. And when they say xbox exclusive I think they only mean towards consoles not the computer.

  11. #31
    Registered User hook-worm J's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Mercury
    You guys make me laugh. PC gamers hate xbox all the way. If you think otherwise you are totally in the dark. Just read any PC gaming magazine and you can tell they hate the xbox. They don't want their beloved PC to lose it's ground. Ask someone who thinks of themselves as a hardcore PC gamer to play MOH on the xbox and they will laugh in your face. Saying that they are a true gamer and playing their PC games on the xbox is a waste of time.

    I know you all love your xbox, but you have to face reality here. This won't win over any PC gamer and in fact who here now wants to get a upgraded PC so they can play Halo online with much more multiplayer support than the xbox version? I know most of you will.

    Don't be a bunch of dummies. This WILL ruin it for the xbox.
    Hmmm, I'm a PC gamer, and I own and enjoy an Xbox. And who gives a **** about winning over the PC gamers who hate Xbox. Why do you care? **** happens, its just a friggin game!

  12. #32


    1ST off XBOX games going to PC after a year is not going to hurt XBOX.

    2ND, It seems like some XBOX owners are showing that they are actually "Fair Weathered Fans" at best.

    3RD, you don't need a lame reason like PC ports to justify you wanting a difrent console, do what you want and shut up already.

    By the end of August you'll see all these guys posting the praises of XBOX again.

  13. #33


    Originally posted by highlite23
    1ST off XBOX games going to PC after a year is not going to hurt XBOX.

    2ND, It seems like some XBOX owners are showing that they are actually "Fair Weathered Fans" at best.

    3RD, you don't need a lame reason like PC ports to justify you wanting a difrent console, do what you want and shut up already.

    By the end of August you'll see all these guys posting the praises of XBOX again.
    amen. a-freakin-men

  14. #34
    Registered User Tinny's Avatar
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    Any of you guys seen the new PC shots yet? What the hell happened to Halo? Argh, so far it looks really really bad and I am crossing my fingers. They better start tweaking those graphics soon or Halo won't get what it deserves on the PC. They might have a year+ for that but they better hurry. However, with that said, I look forward to the added features aswell as a newer and better multiplayer system for the PC. I am most likely gonna grab Halo on my (new - hopefully) PC and play online. However, it all depends on Halo Online and X-Box Live and Halo 2... hmm, perhaps I might not be getting Halo on the PC then...

    PS. PC are great machines to play games on, but so are consoles. I treat them as two different markets so if games goes from the PC to the console (or vice-versa) then I will think great, the more people exposed to the games the better.

    PPS. Now for a better discussion: How do you think Halo will fair up to games like DOOM III, Unreal 2 and Quake IV and all the new ones that gonna come out after them? Halo is going to get a late start and Doom might take the cake in the FPS world for PCs.
    Proud owner of Halo: Combat Evolved

  15. #35


    bleugh! lol

    edit! I just watched the 10 minute trailer movie at gamespot. Nothing short of amazing. It looks like a completely different game.. But this could just be an early pre-xbox trailer.. because it has many of the things that bungie removed from the final version; The rocket launcher on the back of the warthog, the useable plasma blade, the driveable covenant red thing etc..
    Two things that puzzled me were the master chief's 80's robot style voice, and the "bungie" part.. Wouldnt it say gearbox in this case?

    If the game is completely different (or at least different levels) .. I'm buying it! The tail things on the back of the banshee move now! heehee
    Last edited by ALC; 07-22-2002 at 02:31 AM.

  16. #36
    Registered User Tinny's Avatar
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    The one you watched was the E3 2000 one. The OXM Issue 5 (UK) had a vid of "Halo: The Untold Story" and I saw the E3 one when it came out. The first time I saw it, I thought it was crap! I actually thought that the thing was a FMV! lol, about a year later I found out what I saw wasn't exactly a FMV and is pretty much what you see in game. That just amazed me and I grabbed as many vids of Halo off the net I can. A year later, I was playing a demo version of Halo and thought it was a cool game. I brought the X-Box and Halo and thought it was the best FPS I've played.

    E3 2000 vid of Halo was the one that convinved Bill Gates to buy Bungie and the game BTW. It had dinosaur type things and plasma shields and alien speech. It looks damn cool but there's little things (like the needler and AR sound) that are weird and the chief does sound not as um, butch as he does now.

    PS. The vids of Halo on the DVD is Macworld '99, E3 2000 and Gamestock 2001 (X-Box).

    PPS. Bungie still holds liscense don't they? But yeah, it will say Gearbox (aswell as Bungie).
    Proud owner of Halo: Combat Evolved

  17. #37

    Default Confused by the Bill.

    Originally posted by khaos2005

    You my friend, are a complete idiot. Your ignorance really shows in your two posts. MS isn't stupid. If they were, they wouldn't be the richest company in the world for the most part. I am sure they have reasons, and I'm sure those reasons are good. Get over it.
    So you're absolutely sure those reasons are good, huh? Well, i haven't posted in 2 weeks, was on vacation in nyc. In my opinion Microsoft's strategy right now are confusing for a number of things...

    First, it seems like they're trying to suck the last bit of money out of the xbox by putting it's best game on the pc because they know it's immensely popular and has been waited for for quite a long time.

    Second, they're also saying that the xbox is not doomed and they're still behind it by putting 2 billion dollars in xbox live? It's a bit confusing what ms has in mind, but right now bill's strategy to get in the console world full force hasn't succeeded as planned.

    Third, they've gotten a lot of pc games to be ported to the xbox when really most of those games are impossible to port over being so complicated.
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  18. #38
    Master of the Universe Dre's Avatar
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    Default Re: Confused by the Bill.

    Originally posted by Veno
    Third, they've gotten a lot of pc games to be ported to the xbox when really most of those games are impossible to port over being so complicated.
    I didn't think there were many PC-to-Xbox ports. Since you say there are "alot", would you please list some?

    I remember reading that MS was going to frown upon dev's just doing PC-to-Xbox ports because they wanted to get away from the image that the Xbox was just a computer.
    The weak shall perish.
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  19. #39
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    Do you people realize how many Halo games for the PC that they will sell???

    I would love to see a company run by you morons.
    Not only is my opinion biased, it's better.

  20. #40
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    Who cares about having bragging rights ... I dont care if halo is an exclusive game or not ... as long as I can play it on my xbox i'm happy. Why not let others play it on whatever they already have if they want to ... its not going to run as fast or be as fun w/o the controller but if they want to why not let 'em. Besides it isn't like it's the only good xbox game ... we got plenty of games to play and a sh*tload more are coming soon.

    Heh, i'd like to see 4 people playing split screen on one keyboard and a computer monitor. Its just not the same on a PC but if they want to let 'em.

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