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Thread: the Xbox needs a keyboard badly

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  1. #25
    Registered User
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    Apr 2001


    Originally posted by MerimacHamwich
    I meant exactly waht you meant. In all of those games I am sure you can set up your own story and everything like you said. Trust me. Have you ever heard of Dungoens and Dragons? All of those games are based off of it. It is a "boardgame rpg" that you create your won stories in and is controlled by the Dungeon Master. These all copy from it.

    LOL look at my signature.
    I have played every infinity engine game, every gold box game, and POR 2's sorry excuse for a game along with reading the novels and playing PnP. There is a reason NWN is up for RPG of the year while having a lousy single player game. The dungeonmaster option is unique to Neverwinter Nights. With BG and the other Infinity engine games you can dload emulated tools to make mods, in Dungeon Siege and Morrowind you have a toolkit but none of those games allow you the freedom to interact with players in a behind the scene dungeonmaster mod while they are playing. Also none of those games allow you to have your own persistent world server with a password and add adventures to your own server. For this you need a keyboard and mouse.

    As for Woocifer. Are you a BETA tester? I am, and I have not come across the stuff you are suggesting might happen. Heck lots of people don't even talk. It is actually a civilized environment on LIVE. There isn't tons of people yelling and screaming and crap. The voice delays are also relative. Depending on the persons location and ping times. Quite often you come across people who have virtually no delay. The biggest I have heard was around 2 seconds.
    This could be because its under populated. I wonder if some of the people posting have played online on gamespy or the dreamcast. There are a ton of people in between games chatting about stuff, or setting up games. Even if you only have 10 people in the room talking one on one conversations can get cluttered. Thats just the nature of the beast. There are always more people chatting then playing.
    How is including a contruction kit a hassle? Most PC games come with a contruction kit, so just put the construction kit on a seperate disc and include it on the xbox version. I think it would be more profitable and easier then designing a keyboard to work with the xbox. After all, hardware loses money, software makes money.
    Cuz some of these construction kits might allow for opencoding if there was a keyboard. I'm not saying it should be included with live but people who wanted to script stuff in open coded toolkits could buy one. Otherwise you dont get any real significant user input. If you are talking about a PC compatible construction disk that would put even more burden on the consumer to get a PC with a writeable CD Rom drive.
    Last edited by Bigwig; 11-07-2002 at 05:32 PM.
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