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Thread: My True Crime first impressions

  1. #1
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    Default My True Crime first impressions

    I finally recieved my copy of True Crimes this afternoon and after a couple of hours play time here are my thoughts:

    Lets go over the good points first:

    Story- The story is totally the opposite of GTA in that you play the role of a "loose cannon" Vice Detective in LA. Much of the same things you are able to do in GTA (carjack, explore, side missions,etc) are all available in True Crimes. The shooting and fighting in this game is much improved over GTA's method and you can tell right away more attention was put into the action of the game. In some cases when you get into a major battle the game turns into a "Max Payne" type of game with the ability to use combos, matrix type moves, and interaction with objects around you. Firing weapons and aiming is much improved over GTA's method as well with the ability to go into a sniper view for those all important head shots on hostage takers and the ability to spray and pray when duking it out with gang members in the streets. Diving for cover and using objects for protection also make the street battles more interesting as the AI use the same tactics so before you go running down the street spraying bullets watch out for that bad guy behind the benz with a Mac10.
    Since you play a cop you also have to pay attention where you drive, where you shoot, etc since any civilians you injure or kill will have a negative effect on your mission.
    When on your main storyline missions you will get radio calls (dispatched) to different crimes in progresss along the way. Whether you accept these smaller missions on your way to your final goal is up to you, but they can range from fights to robbery in progress to pursuits.
    The graphics are nice, but nothing special over what you can see in GTA. Xbox always has better graphics anyway.

    Ok, now for the bad things and there are a few of them. Biggest complaint I have is Controls. The controls are clumbsy and hard to get used to. Driving vehicles well for me is taking a lot of time to master. While the controls are responsive they almost feel to sensitive if that makes any sense. When on foot walking around the camera angle does not stay focused forward when your character moves around. If you have the camera facing the back of his head so you can see out in front of him and you move your character around to face the opposite direction you will now see his face and not whats in front of him. The only way to constantly keep visual on what is in front of him is to manually move the right analog thumb stick around. When in the middle of the action its a royal pain trying to get the camera in the right spot to do what you need to do. When driving vehicles this isnt a problem, its only when on foot.
    Another problem is the auto aim feature. It is very sluggish to lock a target. You can go into manual sniper mode to take a shot, but that closes off your peripheral vision and you miss anything going on around you. I will say that firing on vehicles is fun and cool to see because the cars literally have fragments of metal comming off, windows being shot out, etc and it looks like your really blowing away a
    The first mission out of the gate is a firing range mission where you must hit every target, but even when I hit every target I still fail the mission. Perhaps I did something wrong, but I found this wierd. The game gives you the option to continue with the story even if you fail a mission so appearently whether you pass or fail any missions has no effect on the story.
    I also found the AI good and bad. Enemy AI seem to do what they should. They are aggressive, sometimes they run-sometimes they fight-sometimes they start shooting. They duck for cover as well during gun fights to reload etc.
    Friendly AI on the other hand such as other cops on the street do little more than get in the way or cause you pain. Many times I was run over by cops trying to chase bad guys and got into fights and watched the other cops just stand there and do nothing. Civilian drivers will also run you over so be carefull when taking vehicles, its a good idea to wait till they stop the car
    Last, and this is a big negative for me, is the fact that you cant actually arrest anyone. This is a cop game with tons of criminals and crimes going on where you get to the area and the bad guy sees you and you dont have any control over him/her. Theres no list of commands to tell the criminal to lay down, or he is under arrest, etc. You get to the scene and the bad guys will start shooting and as soon as you fire back they take off running, well ok so I chase and when I catch him we fight for a little bit and the guy stops fighting and gives up with his hands in the air. But wait! I have no way to arrest him nor is there any other cops around so what do I do? NOTHING! there isnt anything you can do. What you do is kill him either buy beating him to death or shooting him multiple times then you get a mission completed messege. HUH? I am a Vice Detective and you send me to break up a fight and I have to shoot both people involved even when they give up to complete the mission? what kind of crap is that?
    It may seem like a small detail, but trust me when you play the game and you go to handle a call and the bad guys are just standing there and the only way to complete the mission is to gun them down you will say "What tha!".
    Since there is no live support for this game I dont see any updates becomming available for it so no way to add in the ability to place someone under arrest. not good.
    Last but not least is the soundtrack or music. No this isnt GTA which is based in the 80s, but they could at least allowed us to use custom soundtracks, or had other options besides hip hop. Hip hop is nice for the first few minutes but then you just want to switch the station only to find out your stuck in Hip Hop hell.
    The vehicles are also hard to control and so far I havent seen anything other than cars. No motorcycles, no scooters, no helicopters, planes,etc. Just a few different kinds of cars.

    All this being said its still a pretty good game, but some of these things will annoy you. Everything I have said is based on only a couple of hours playing time so take it with a grain of salt, but so far if you were hoping for a GTA killer then you might be disappointed. It has a cool storyline (sometimes to heavy into the story,lots of cutscenes), graphics, action,etc but stuff like no ability to arrest bad guys, the sloppy controls, and camera system make me cringe sometimes.
    True Crimes is at least a rental IMO and if your someone who gets a game and finishes the story pretty quick and then your done then True Crimes is better as a rental for you types. There is no Live options so no multiplayer and no updates.
    True Crime plays like your in a movie so if you like those types of games then you will probably like it.

    Oh BTW- I tried but could not pick up any hookers, I think it was my aftershave.LOL

    on a 1-10 i give it a 7

  2. #2


    wow man, typed a hella lot.

    I've read the whole thing, and I must say it's a good read... I wasn't expecting this game to be a GTA killer, so I'm not disappointed.

  3. #3
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    Well I didnt expect it to be a GTA killer either. Lets face it GTA set the standard for this type of game and it will take a big effort to beat the GTA series.

    I am going to put some more time into it before I pass final judgement though. My only concern is since it is single player only I will finish the game and then what? no multiplayer,etc to keep it going. A lot of games are like this though as long as this one isnt short. GTA vice city was a long game so hopefully this one will to. Its a lot like being in a movie though.

  4. #4


    One question - Is in mission based? Like, do you HAVE to do missions, or can you just screw around?
    Last edited by Xbox Owner; 11-03-2003 at 10:41 PM.

  5. #5
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    You can just screw around if you want. As you screw around the dispatcher will try to send you to different parts of town to respond to different crimes in progress but you can ignore them and cruise around if you want. Unless the main mission is a timed mission you can screw around all you want.

  6. #6


    How fun is screwing around?? Even in Vice City the AI and missions sucked.. What was fun was the screwing around...

  7. #7
    Retired Giveaway Guru BigJosh359's Avatar
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    Default Re: My True Crime first impressions

    Originally posted by Seawolf1
    I finally recieved my copy of True Crimes this afternoon and after a couple of hours play time here are my thoughts:

    Lets go over the good points first:

    Story- The story is totally the opposite of GTA in that you play the role of a "loose cannon" Vice Detective in LA. Much of the same things you are able to do in GTA (carjack, explore, side missions,etc) are all available in True Crimes. The shooting and fighting in this game is much improved over GTA's method and you can tell right away more attention was put into the action of the game. In some cases when you get into a major battle the game turns into a "Max Payne" type of game with the ability to use combos, matrix type moves, and interaction with objects around you. Firing weapons and aiming is much improved over GTA's method as well with the ability to go into a sniper view for those all important head shots on hostage takers and the ability to spray and pray when duking it out with gang members in the streets. Diving for cover and using objects for protection also make the street battles more interesting as the AI use the same tactics so before you go running down the street spraying bullets watch out for that bad guy behind the benz with a Mac10.
    Since you play a cop you also have to pay attention where you drive, where you shoot, etc since any civilians you injure or kill will have a negative effect on your mission.
    When on your main storyline missions you will get radio calls (dispatched) to different crimes in progresss along the way. Whether you accept these smaller missions on your way to your final goal is up to you, but they can range from fights to robbery in progress to pursuits.
    The graphics are nice, but nothing special over what you can see in GTA. Xbox always has better graphics anyway.

    Ok, now for the bad things and there are a few of them. Biggest complaint I have is Controls. The controls are clumbsy and hard to get used to. Driving vehicles well for me is taking a lot of time to master. While the controls are responsive they almost feel to sensitive if that makes any sense. When on foot walking around the camera angle does not stay focused forward when your character moves around. If you have the camera facing the back of his head so you can see out in front of him and you move your character around to face the opposite direction you will now see his face and not whats in front of him. The only way to constantly keep visual on what is in front of him is to manually move the right analog thumb stick around. When in the middle of the action its a royal pain trying to get the camera in the right spot to do what you need to do. When driving vehicles this isnt a problem, its only when on foot.
    Another problem is the auto aim feature. It is very sluggish to lock a target. You can go into manual sniper mode to take a shot, but that closes off your peripheral vision and you miss anything going on around you. I will say that firing on vehicles is fun and cool to see because the cars literally have fragments of metal comming off, windows being shot out, etc and it looks like your really blowing away a
    The first mission out of the gate is a firing range mission where you must hit every target, but even when I hit every target I still fail the mission. Perhaps I did something wrong, but I found this wierd. The game gives you the option to continue with the story even if you fail a mission so appearently whether you pass or fail any missions has no effect on the story.
    I also found the AI good and bad. Enemy AI seem to do what they should. They are aggressive, sometimes they run-sometimes they fight-sometimes they start shooting. They duck for cover as well during gun fights to reload etc.
    Friendly AI on the other hand such as other cops on the street do little more than get in the way or cause you pain. Many times I was run over by cops trying to chase bad guys and got into fights and watched the other cops just stand there and do nothing. Civilian drivers will also run you over so be carefull when taking vehicles, its a good idea to wait till they stop the car
    Last, and this is a big negative for me, is the fact that you cant actually arrest anyone. This is a cop game with tons of criminals and crimes going on where you get to the area and the bad guy sees you and you dont have any control over him/her. Theres no list of commands to tell the criminal to lay down, or he is under arrest, etc. You get to the scene and the bad guys will start shooting and as soon as you fire back they take off running, well ok so I chase and when I catch him we fight for a little bit and the guy stops fighting and gives up with his hands in the air. But wait! I have no way to arrest him nor is there any other cops around so what do I do? NOTHING! there isnt anything you can do. What you do is kill him either buy beating him to death or shooting him multiple times then you get a mission completed messege. HUH? I am a Vice Detective and you send me to break up a fight and I have to shoot both people involved even when they give up to complete the mission? what kind of crap is that?
    It may seem like a small detail, but trust me when you play the game and you go to handle a call and the bad guys are just standing there and the only way to complete the mission is to gun them down you will say "What tha!".
    Since there is no live support for this game I dont see any updates becomming available for it so no way to add in the ability to place someone under arrest. not good.
    Last but not least is the soundtrack or music. No this isnt GTA which is based in the 80s, but they could at least allowed us to use custom soundtracks, or had other options besides hip hop. Hip hop is nice for the first few minutes but then you just want to switch the station only to find out your stuck in Hip Hop hell.
    The vehicles are also hard to control and so far I havent seen anything other than cars. No motorcycles, no scooters, no helicopters, planes,etc. Just a few different kinds of cars.

    All this being said its still a pretty good game, but some of these things will annoy you. Everything I have said is based on only a couple of hours playing time so take it with a grain of salt, but so far if you were hoping for a GTA killer then you might be disappointed. It has a cool storyline (sometimes to heavy into the story,lots of cutscenes), graphics, action,etc but stuff like no ability to arrest bad guys, the sloppy controls, and camera system make me cringe sometimes.
    True Crimes is at least a rental IMO and if your someone who gets a game and finishes the story pretty quick and then your done then True Crimes is better as a rental for you types. There is no Live options so no multiplayer and no updates.
    True Crime plays like your in a movie so if you like those types of games then you will probably like it.

    Oh BTW- I tried but could not pick up any hookers, I think it was my aftershave.LOL

    on a 1-10 i give it a 7
    Post this junks in the reviews! Its Good.

  8. #8
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    The screwing around is fun, about the same as GTA I would say. The difference is the little crimes you get radio calls on. You have the option of doing something or just driving around raising

    Originally posted by CarGuy
    How fun is screwing around?? Even in Vice City the AI and missions sucked.. What was fun was the screwing around...

  9. #9
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    I read in either the IGN or TeamXbox review that you can fire your gun into the air or flash your badge to scare the bad guy into compliance..... There has to be a way to arrest.

    I could have swore I seen a screen shot of Nick handcuffing a guy.

    I just watched the video's that IGN has up(the free ones). And I really like how it shows you what street you are on. And what street is coming up.

    I recongized a few of the street names. Mainly the ones that the Stapler Center is on. I've been there for a Eagles concert and 2 Clipper games.

    Question: Is there a map besides the little radar? That is what really ticked me off about The Getaway, no map.
    Last edited by Bakeman; 11-03-2003 at 11:44 PM.

  10. #10
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info and I will definantly check it out. Like I said I based my views on only a couple of hours playing time so take it with a grain of salt. Im sure I will learn more as I go along. Thanks for the scoup though I feel better knowing its me and not the

    Originally posted by Bakeman
    I read in either the IGN or TeamXbox review that you can fire your gun into the air or flash your badge to scare the bad guy into compliance..... There has to be a way to arrest.

    I could have swore I seen a screen shot of Nick handcuffing a guy.

  11. #11
    Registered User Seawolf1's Avatar
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    Default Re: Re: My True Crime first impressions

    There is no selection for this game yet in the review section but I will write one when the game is selectable, thanks for the compliment.

    Originally posted by Josh-XBA

    Post this junks in the reviews! Its Good.

  12. #12
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    hey seawolf,

    Check out this picture...

    If you figure out if there is a way to do that let us know.

    Also is there a map you can view besides the Radar?

    ENJOY! (Hopefully I'll have the game wednesday, but no later then Friday)

  13. #13
    Registered User shawns20's Avatar
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    Press the left thumbstick + B to slap the cuffs on them. Flash your badge by pressing the left thumbstick + X as you arrive on the scene, some perps just throw up their hands. If you press the left thumbstick and B in front of a civilian he will frisk them for illegal goods. Sweet game !!! A little clipping here and there but LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE CITY.

    Proud owner of 11 X Boxes and 2 360s

    Never let it be said, I didn't do the least I could do.

  14. #14
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    I still think it's a little better than a 7 , an 8 at best , its fun but your not going to come back for more very often , and it only makes you wan't to play GTA ,

  15. #15
    Registered User Evil_Dr_Beefy's Avatar
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    That was a very cool review, seawolf1.....and i like the didn't sugar coat it...or give it a fanboy spin like some other reviews i have read....True crime looks like a winner....I hope it's a long game....but , i'm not one of those guys that plays a game for 10 or plus hours in one sitting...
    Meanwhile back at the Ranch,Bificus Beefy AKA Evil_Dr_Beefy and his henchmen The Big Dipper Beast plot the destruction of their arch nemesis Spaceboy

  16. #16
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by shawns20
    Press the left thumbstick + B to slap the cuffs on them. Flash your badge by pressing the left thumbstick + X as you arrive on the scene, some perps just throw up their hands. If you press the left thumbstick and B in front of a civilian he will frisk them for illegal goods. Sweet game !!! A little clipping here and there but LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THE CITY.

    Sweet thanks for the info...

  17. #17
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Evil_Dr_Beefy
    That was a very cool review, seawolf1.....and i like the didn't sugar coat it...or give it a fanboy spin like some other reviews i have read....True crime looks like a winner....I hope it's a long game....but , i'm not one of those guys that plays a game for 10 or plus hours in one sitting...

    Gah!! Yet something else I read about but just can't remember exactly where. It was like an interview and the guy made it sound like it was really long. Maybe not the main storyline long, but with ALL THE CONTENT long. If that makes any sense, I'll look around to see if I can find that info.

  18. #18


    theres negative effects just for killing an old man for cutting your off or shooting the **** out of a baby???? thats just depressing, guess i'll get gta.

  19. #19
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    from review
    True Crime is for those looking for an engaging title that has GTA-like gameplay, but to the Nth power. If repetitive slaughtering of the innocent by punching a few buttons is what you’re looking for, then True Crime isn’t the title for you. But you other guys really can’t go wrong if you’re looking for an action/adventure with riveting, twisting, non-linear storyline, advanced move sets, solid graphics, and a sweet audio track. Give the newbie a chance.

    That right there is why True Crime can and is probably a better game. But it's also the reason why GTA will sell more copies. Because of all the mindless morons in this world.

    Sorry if I offend anyone on this, but I'm more sorry you are a moron that thinks GTA is the COOLEST thing ever.

    Also I would like to clearify that GTA isn't a bad game. I had fun with it. But no way in hell am I gonna think GTA is the best thing ever.

  20. #20
    Registered User Bakeman's Avatar
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    Originally posted by ChampTTU
    theres negative effects just for killing an old man for cutting your off or shooting the **** out of a baby???? thats just depressing, guess i'll get gta.

    Thank you for proving my point. That is exactly what I was talking about in my last post.

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