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Thread: Kragen autoparts employee tries to inform me that ps3>360 !?

  1. #21
    sports fan pjh13's Avatar
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    I don't know what you tools are talking about. I've had my import PS3, from Kazakstan, for a couple of weeks now. They just released Halo 3 for it. The graphics are amazing and the glory hole feels just like the real thing.
    we should play some halo 3 online someday i just got my import ps3 for christmas
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  2. #22
    Loves Katamari Damacy StudioAlex's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjh13
    we should play some halo 3 online someday i just got my import ps3 for christmas
    mmmmm. glory hole...

  3. #23
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCovenant
    OH and by the way, Yo soy Venezolano.

    Checked out your blog. Especially loved this:

    "I hate things just because they are mainstream."

    Pretty much sums up my life as a consumer.

    Oh, and I will continue sticking up for anything gaming-related. Even the Virtual Boy (that thing was pretty damn cool!) and the Gyrobot (I love gyros!). So you will continue to see me wishing the PS3 well. Again, it is similar to politics. It's great for someone to dislike President Bush and campaign for, and vote for the other guy. But once someone is in office, even if you disagree with him, you should be pulling for the guy to do well. Instead, fanatacism has people hoping that our economy will tank. That millions will lose jobs. I know Democrats that were happy as hell when the Katrina response was hideous. They secretly love the body count in Iraq. I know this because I work with people that tell me these things.

    The same applies to XBox lovers. They openly hope that when you plug in your PS3, that it will burn down houses. (Sony freaks have the same hopes for the XBox, all of this goes both ways). This is just crazy-seeming to me. Why does our happiness depend on the misery of others? Because recent psychological studies have borne this out. People would prefer to make $50,000 as long as their co-workers are making $30,000 RATHER THAN MAKE $100,000 while co-workers make $120,000. What researchers are finding is that our happiness is based on relative standards, not absolute ones.

    This just screams to me that people are inherently evil, and that we must work hard to understand the human brain, our genetic predispositions, our chemical natures, and do as much as possible to control evil impulses. We must learn to struggle every day to be better people.

    Part of that means that we should find happiness in the happiness of others. We should celebrate when everyone else is doing well. It sounds corny, I'm sure... but when you really start living like this, everything feels different, and becomes easy...

    A PS3 fanboy would get on this site and cheer the lock-ups, the crashes, the dead controllers. I pity them. You know what my favorite posts are? The ones where people are exchanging gamer tags and you just know they are hooking up later for some gaming, some hootin' and hollerin', some laughing and cussing. But what do you post in reply to those messages? The really interesting threads are these, where people disagree, and there is some learning to be had.

  4. #24
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    That's all well and good swivel, but I'll pass on the headache inducing Virtual Boy all the same

    I think though, that our inherent competitiveness and greed comes from not having found any other purpose in life. For many people, they see life as a sort of 'real' game where you try to make as much money as you can. But since money is a relative thing, it comes down to simply having more money than those around you. Alternatively, many substitute power, or a some combination of the two, as their life's goal.

    That's where religion or spirituality, or even science should come in.
    Last edited by ShadedNine; 12-27-2005 at 01:22 PM.

  5. #25
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadedNine
    That's where religion or spirituality, or even science should come in.
    We should start a thread in the "Off Topic" section. I would love to debate with you the pros and cons of religion. And the nature of materialism.

  6. #26
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    We should start a thread in the "Off Topic" section. I would love to debate with you the pros and cons of religion. And the nature of materialism.
    /shrug. This thread evolved into it gracefully enough I don't see it as all that off-topic here.

    Besides, as much fun as such a topic might be, on the whole it involves far too much typing.

  7. #27
    Registered User mrmp3's Avatar
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    The part I hate is how people think the PS3 once released will be immediately better. There's no way it will at launch. The PS3IGN article, the "Patience 360", was fanboyism at it's pinnacle. One argument was how bad 360's launch titles suck and how great PS3's will be. Well first I don't recall any company announcing they were launching their title with the system, probably because the system is just a theory for now. Secondly, the titles they listed really sound like a dream launch, stressing dream. MGS4, Warhawk, Gran Turismo, Tekken etc. I know it says potential, but the reason was specifically "Xbox 360 has no killer app". None of those titles will make launch, and maybe with the exception of Tekken, I don't see any of those titles being first year. All those developers take pride in their games. What your gonna get is one or two original titles, and then the developer who takes zero to no pride in making rehashes, EA, will toss in about 15 of their games. Thats the PS3 lineup. And just like the PS1 and PS2 lineup, it'll be garbage. Kameo, Condemned, Call of Duty 2, and PD0 are all almost high quality to high quality games. You go over to EB and look at all games scheduled to come out before Nov. , yea, that's a lot of good titles. So when PS3 does come out, you'll be hard-pressed.

    And the reason I hate PS3 fanboys, just the stupid crap you hear about why it's better.

    "It's more powerful" (true, but not to the extent of PS2/Xbox)

    "It'll be cheaper"

    "The games will be better"

    That kind of stuff pisses me off.

    Now if were talking after a year or two, well I don't have a crystal ball but then I'd be a fanboy if I said 360 would own. It probably will, but PS3, MGS4, you can only imagine another Twisted Metal game is coming, no doubt a slew of RPG's, it's tough to say but PS3 isn't gonna be #1 when it comes out, beyond that, things look a lot brighter.
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  8. #28
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmp3
    The part I hate is how people think the PS3 once released will be immediately better. There's no way it will at launch. The PS3IGN article, the "Patience 360", was fanboyism at it's pinnacle. One argument was how bad 360's launch titles suck and how great PS3's will be. Well first I don't recall any company announcing they were launching their title with the system, probably because the system is just a theory for now. Secondly, the titles they listed really sound like a dream launch, stressing dream. MGS4, Warhawk, Gran Turismo, Tekken etc. I know it says potential, but the reason was specifically "Xbox 360 has no killer app". None of those titles will make launch, and maybe with the exception of Tekken, I don't see any of those titles being first year. All those developers take pride in their games. What your gonna get is one or two original titles, and then the developer who takes zero to no pride in making rehashes, EA, will toss in about 15 of their games. Thats the PS3 lineup. And just like the PS1 and PS2 lineup, it'll be garbage. Kameo, Condemned, Call of Duty 2, and PD0 are all almost high quality to high quality games. You go over to EB and look at all games scheduled to come out before Nov. , yea, that's a lot of good titles. So when PS3 does come out, you'll be hard-pressed.

    And the reason I hate PS3 fanboys, just the stupid crap you hear about why it's better.

    "It's more powerful" (true, but not to the extent of PS2/Xbox)

    "It'll be cheaper"

    "The games will be better"

    That kind of stuff pisses me off.

    Now if were talking after a year or two, well I don't have a crystal ball but then I'd be a fanboy if I said 360 would own. It probably will, but PS3, MGS4, you can only imagine another Twisted Metal game is coming, no doubt a slew of RPG's, it's tough to say but PS3 isn't gonna be #1 when it comes out, beyond that, things look a lot brighter.

    I think we should all admit that console launches, in general, suck big time. You just won't know anything about a system until 6 months to a year into the life cycle. The PS3 launch will be a big mess, with games that do not live up to the hype, and some sort of hardware problem that plagues enough users to become talked about online. Just like the XBox2 launch, and the PSP launch, and the XBox launch, and the PS2 launch, and the Gamecube launch.

    The true hero of all systems has really been the Gameboy. Nobody talks about it enough, but look at how great all those systems have launched, how many have sold (more than any other console, ever), the great hardware upgrades and versions, and the solid titles. It is probably because the thing is so simple, compared to full systems.

  9. #29
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    That simplicity isn't really feasible in a home environment though, where multiple audio formats, various TVs and display types and other factors end up playing their part.

    Anyway, the chances of MGS4 making PS3 launch are slim to none. It might make the north american launch, but not the system's launch. So maybe they'll gain a perceived edge in their launch lineup by actually delaying the hardware here for several months, but the hardware's capabilities are dated back to the original launch, stealing away some potential performance increases between it and the xbox.

  10. #30
    wow killerscott's Avatar
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    ...virtual boy sucked...

    My xbox360 games list as of right now... It will grow!

    2.Perfect Dark Zero
    3.Call of Duty 2
    7.Dead Rising
    8.Saints Row
    9.GEARS OF WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10.Pocket Bike Racer (BK)

  11. #31
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadedNine
    That simplicity isn't really feasible in a home environment though, where multiple audio formats, various TVs and display types and other factors end up playing their part.

    Anyway, the chances of MGS4 making PS3 launch are slim to none. It might make the north american launch, but not the system's launch. So maybe they'll gain a perceived edge in their launch lineup by actually delaying the hardware here for several months, but the hardware's capabilities are dated back to the original launch, stealing away some potential performance increases between it and the xbox.
    It's so funny that everyone thinks the launch matters so much. The XBox and PS2 got huge increases in sales when they dropped their prices, several years into the lifecycle of the systems. The PS2 sold many more units when the "slim" version came out. The XBox flew off the shelf when Halo 2 was released, and the game had tons of publicity on the news. The PS2 flew off the shelf when the latest GTA game came out. (these were both times that I suspect PS2 owners bought their first XBox, and XBox owners bought their first PS2).

    I really don't think the launch is going to make a difference. It will be the blind devotion to a label, first and foremost. After that, it will be price. And a distant third will be the game selection. I know this sounds backwards from what most experts say, but I humbly feel that this order is much closer to the truth. If the experts were right, we would be chatting at There is less rhyme and reason here than most people would like.

  12. #32
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    The launch doesn't guarantee continued sales or drive a console throughout it's lifetime, but it does get the ball rolling. Because on top of the factors you mentioned, number one will always be games, and games aren't going to be put into development unless the console shows it's for real to begin with. That's why the original Xbox had such a monumental challenge before it, attempting to prove to developers that it was for real, and could in fact turn profits for them.

  13. #33
    Master of Pong
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    Related incident today at Gamestop, didn't want yet another thread on this, but I think we should be logging the amount of times this stuff happens:

    I was in Gamestop today (Picked up Pump It Up w/ dancepad to get my girlfriend in front of the XBox with me) and casually asked the employee there about the XBox2 shipments. (His tag said manager btw). He said, "The systems are coming out messed up, so there aren't enough to go around". I asked him how they were messed up and he said (I'm paraphrasing), "MOST of them are locking up on people and crashing and stuff".

    So I told him that I assumed that meant he was getting a ton of returns, knowing he couldn't have been, and he said, "A couple".

    I asked him what he thought about the upcoming PS3, and he said, "It is going to be much faster than the XBox2".


    If this guy is really a manager... I just don't get it. How can you let your fanaticism destroy your sales like this? There are XBox2 games and accessories sitting on the shelf and he is basically urging me not to purchase any of them.

    Anyway... I think all of us should police this a little. Next time you are game shopping, pose as an uneducated gamer... someone who knows absolutely nothing about any systems, and ask some general questions. It would be enlightening.

    Also... when they have the response this guy did, can you guys think of anything civil to say that might change their habits (even if we can't change their fanaticism)? Maybe just being blunt, like: "Shouldn't you promote all systems as a game salesmen?".

  14. #34
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    You run into a little bit of a grey zone there though. For example, if we go back in time to when I did camera sales, should I, in respect to the store's policy, promote...say, Konica cameras equally beside the Canons? (back then at least, all the Konica's were terrible...the Minolta merger wiped that line out though).

    Granted there's a world of difference between an educated salesman and someone running off a blind bias (and I have no hatred for Konica, they just weren't much good at making digitals). But how are you going to convince that salesman that he doesn't know his stuff and should probably stfu? Getting him to acknoledge you by quoting store policy isn't going to change his tune either, or it would have changed back when he became a manager.

    I find the best way to confuse them is to say you'll be getting a PS3 as well, this tends to confuse them.

  15. #35
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadedNine
    You run into a little bit of a grey zone there though. For example, if we go back in time to when I did camera sales, should I, in respect to the store's policy, promote...say, Konica cameras equally beside the Canons? (back then at least, all the Konica's were terrible...the Minolta merger wiped that line out though).

    Granted there's a world of difference between an educated salesman and someone running off a blind bias (and I have no hatred for Konica, they just weren't much good at making digitals). But how are you going to convince that salesman that he doesn't know his stuff and should probably stfu? Getting him to acknoledge you by quoting store policy isn't going to change his tune either, or it would have changed back when he became a manager.

    I find the best way to confuse them is to say you'll be getting a PS3 as well, this tends to confuse them.
    I see a huge difference between proven brand technology, such as Canons DIGIC2 processor, and systems that haven't even been released yet. This guy doesn't know what the PS3 will bring. I'm not sure anyone does.

    I would have zero problem with him telling me to buy an XBox over the PS2 because it is more powerful, or has better graphics. I would also be pleased if he sold me a PS2 over an XBox because it has more games, and is still being supported. But telling me the PS3 is better than the XBox2, when one is available in his store (via preordering) and the other one is perhaps a year away... well.... I just think this is odd.

    Related note: A source that had some info on the XBox2 prior to release, and was accurate has gotten some cred (his name is Fishie). Supposedly, this guy had some hands-on in Japan with an early PS3 build. He says there is no way in hell that the system will hit Japan in March. The games are not there, and the bugs are too numerous. He said he wouldn't be surprised to see a Christmas Japan release, and a March 2007 U.S. launch.

    Take this as seriously as you like, or do some searching for his name.

    Also... while I'm spreading rumors, a developer who is working on Oblivion supposedy said to another online poster that the game will be ready in Feb. and that they have a dev kit for the PS3 (he said the developer box is HUGE, another concern for a release anytime soon). According to this guy, the PS3 is VERY HARD to program for, but is much more powerful than the XBox2.

    Take with a grain of salt.

    I, for one, would rather support a system that is easy to code for than one with untapped power. I think the tables might be turned this generation if this is true. We may see a larger number of XBox2 titles, with a few PS3 titles being much "prettier".

    Also, not a rumor: The Revolution is going to be "Less than $300". From Nintendo.

  16. #36
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    Running at standard resolution, it's certainly not surprising that the Revolution will fall below the $300 mark.

    No shocker about the PS3 either. MS has a little bit more experience, having dominated the dev tools for PC gaming since the introduction of DirectX.

    I do hope the PS3 does come out quite a bit later though. I don't care for the 5 year gap between console generations...if they spread out so each released one every 2.5 years, then I'd always have a relatively current machine to game on.

  17. #37
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShadedNine
    I do hope the PS3 does come out quite a bit later though. I don't care for the 5 year gap between console generations...if they spread out so each released one every 2.5 years, then I'd always have a relatively current machine to game on.
    100% agree.

  18. #38
    sports fan pjh13's Avatar
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    i know there has been no offical number obvioulsy(spelling) but the rumors for the 360's price were fairly accurate so what are the rumors of ps3's price
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  19. #39
    Master of Pong
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    Quote Originally Posted by pjh13
    i know there has been no offical number obvioulsy(spelling) but the rumors for the 360's price were fairly accurate so what are the rumors of ps3's price
    All I've heard is around $500. If so, it will be hilarious to hear all the XBox fans scream how expensive this is, when that is only $100 more than the XBox2. And watch the same people dismiss the Revolution because it is "too cheap".

    The last generation of consoles sits on my rack for less than $500 (all three consoles). This generation is going to be around $1,200. So those games had better get more than twice as good in a hurry.

  20. #40
    Early Adopter ShadedNine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by swivel
    All I've heard is around $500. If so, it will be hilarious to hear all the XBox fans scream how expensive this is, when that is only $100 more than the XBox2. And watch the same people dismiss the Revolution because it is "too cheap".

    The last generation of consoles sits on my rack for less than $500 (all three consoles). This generation is going to be around $1,200. So those games had better get more than twice as good in a hurry.
    I really don't get why everybody made such a big deal about the price. If you add up inflation over the last coupla years, take into account the plummeting of the US dollar, and you'll find that it's really no different than the original Xbox at release.

    I paid $450 CAD for my Xbox, if memory serves (well, a little less, since I abused a friend's walmart discount). Considering that it didn't come with the remote control, HD cables or a wireless controller, one might say that the 360 was in fact cheaper, at $500 CAD.

    If you bought all 3 consoles for under $500 last gen, then you obviously didn't pick them up at release. If you were to do the same timing this time around, you'd likely pay a bit more, but not by much.

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