Preview of WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011

WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2011
by Brent RobertsOctober 5, 2010
Ding, Ding, Ding....
Now entering the arena, THQ's latest offering into the spandex wearing, table smashing, cage climbing world of Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011. THQ has been at the forefront of wrestling evolution and every year they continue to surprise and amaze fans around the world with how they manage to capture the very essence of one of the most popular entertainment companies, the WWE.
A finalized version of Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011 was recently showcased at a THQ preview event in Dallas, TX and was fortunate to get an invite to all the diva strutting, hell in a cell glory that you can shake your title belt at. With THQ leading the way by bringing new innovations to the ring, Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011 is shaping up to become the definitive wrestling title for the Xbox 360.
One of many new innovations that we will talk about is the new dynamic physics system. This is a revolutionary step forward for Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011 as now the objects that you interact with will feel more realistic and provide a much more authentic WWE experience. Ropes bend depending on which rope you interact with, tables and chairs feel more realistic as you smash your way to glory, and even massive objects such as the infamous Hell in a Cell are more life-like, and all of this brings the gamer directly into the ring for the most intense and realistic WWE experience ever.
THQ has outdone themselves this year by unveiling a new WWE Universe mode in Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011. What makes this aspect very innovative is how the game will actually develop a story that directly impacts your character, and it does this as you play. Not only will the game adapt and develop your character's story with every match, but now your decisions in the game will directly affect what rivalries, alliances, championship matches and more. This makes Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011 a very deep game as no gameplay experience will ever be the same again. Make your choices wisely as you never know who will run in to smash you over the head with a chair for betraying them.
Originally the create-a-superstar mode was limited, but now THQ has worked over the new create-a-superstar mode to offer 150 parts that can all be customized to your liking. Not only has that mode received an overhaul, but the new create-a-finisher mode has also been reworked to provide off the top turnbuckle finishing moves. Now gamers will be able to truly create the wrestler that they have always wanted, and make them a definite force inside the WWE.
One of the many iconic staples of the WWE are the plot twists, storylines, and the many unpredictable surprises, and thankfully THQ has recreated these to perfection, all while expanding the ability to write your own WWE story. Now you can have multiple branches which can each be triggered by certain circumstances, thus making you in total control of your WWE universe. Now you can determine the outcome as you want it to unfold, and if you don't like the outcome of your choice, then you can also go in and rewrite history as you see fit.
A great amount of attention has been given to the motion capture aspect of Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011, and it shows in every character model, and shines in every aspect of combat. Now the controls have been designed to keep the animations smooth and the combat flowing all while making sure that the gamer retains full control over every aspect of the match on the fly. The character modeling also features new muscle movement which enhances the experience when you see biceps bulging during a submission, or the flexing of the joints as you tombstone your opponents into the afterlife.
There are more innovations to come and gamers are in for the most in depth and life like experience in Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011. THQ has literally put the WWE Universe in the palm of your hands, now the only question remains is will you be a hero and revel in the applause and cheers of the crowd, or will you be the WWE's ultimate villain who delights at the anarchy and the mischief that can shake the very WWE to its core. It's your choice, it's your game, it's your WWE Universe in THQ's Smackdown V.S. RAW 2011.