Preview of Destiny

by Brent RobertsJune 24, 2013
One of the most sought after games at this year's E3 was without a doubt, Destiny. When the good people at Bungie left their beloved Master Chief behind, many wondered what their next move would be. After finally landing with Activision, Bungie set out to establish a new IP, one that would make gamers around the world into legends themselves. Thus it would be up to us to determine our own Destiny. With the setting of the story based in a world where humanity's survival sits upon the tip of a knife, it is up to us to determine its fate. This 20+ min gameplay demo was hands down, one of the major stars of E3 2013, and let us tells you why.
Starting off our eyes was treated to a sight of indescribable beauty. The landscapes that went on for as far as the eye can see were absolutely beautiful. We met up with another player and proceeded to walk towards a massive complex to see what lurked inside. As we navigated through the various sections we had come into contact with hostile alien creatures that had laid claim to this building and were guarding something with their lives. After fighting our way through, our character proceeded to change out his primary weapon which could be described as an LMG, just louder and way more lethal. Our partner though, made us cower as she produced a much bigger gun, a high powered custom sniper rifle. We say custom because there are various upgrades possible on your weapons which even include making them have elemental properties. We got what we came for and now it's time to meet up with some more of our friends on the other side of the building.
After progressing through some tunnels we finally ended up outside and that is when we saw towering mechanical structures that stretched almost to the clouds in the blue sky above. There we met up with our other friends who took the turn to make a crack about how the size of his gun was bigger. After the pleasantries and a brief showcase of space magic, an alien invasion group appeared overhead and now all of us were neck deep in a new public event.
Our first target was nearby and was one of the smaller drop ships; however, this one was carrying something different, a Fallen Devil Walker. Think of this as a massively armored tank that has six armored legs instead of treads. On top of this death machine is a massive cannon that can separate your head from the rest of your body, and on the side of the top turret we find a rocket pod. Teamwork is critical and players must work together in order to stand a chance against this weapon. To make this fight even more fun, standard alien infantry soldiers start to join the party and this is where decisions and teamwork showcase their strengths. Part of the group focused on just the infantry while the rest of us continued to unload damage into this beast. Once the infantry were out of the way and the fight focused back to this Fallen Devil Walker, the damage was unforgiving. This caused it to temporarily pause its attack and expose a small weak spot right behind the main cockpit. Now was our chance. We continued the assault for a few more minutes, until the weak spot was exposed again and this time we went in for the kill. Utilizing some form of energetic magic we fired it into the weak spot and destroyed the Fallen Devil Walker.
We have seen very little outside of just rendered movies that promote Destiny, but one thing gamers and fans must remember, trust Bungie. Destiny is poised to make a bigger impact than what they did with Halo. It's a massive risk that Bungie is taking given their amazing work with the Halo games, but never forget, trust Bungie. Hell bent on world domination, Destiny is a title that if pulled off with perfection, could actually do it and become not just the best video game we have seen in years, but the best game that has ever been. Very soon we will see our fates unfold and we will make our own Destiny, but until that day comes, trust Bungie.