View Full Version : Japanese 360 Titles

08-28-2006, 10:37 PM
While [eCHANTED aRMS] or what ever the hell they all it in japan & 99 Nights are the only japanese games to hit state side I have to post the question of what games would you like to see come here. I'm not too up on the current list of japanese games for the 360, but I know I want Blue Dragon if it ever gets finished. Theres also supposed to be some crazy shooter thats like ikugura.

So anyways what Japanese game or series whould you like to see come out over here for the 360 that isn't already here?

08-28-2006, 10:42 PM
i dont know,but at least they are FINNALY making XBOX RPG games,ive been waiting for this moment almost 3 years now:crying:

08-28-2006, 10:44 PM
i dont know,but at least they are FINNALY making XBOX RPG games,ive been waiting for this moment almost 3 years now:crying:

LOL I know...the only problem is with the good we're gonna get crap like Bullet Witch

08-28-2006, 11:01 PM
blue dragon looks exceptional....those are the guys who made Chrono Trigger right?

08-28-2006, 11:09 PM
blue dragon looks exceptional....those are the guys who made Chrono Trigger right?

Yeah... Mistwalker, they hired Akira Toriyama to do the characters

Japanese lesson;
Akira Toriyama created Dragon Ball and Dr. Slump which are highly successful manga/anime series. He also did character design for the Dragon Warrior series, Chrono Trigger, and the highly underrated Tobal series (no 2 not making it to NA still makes me said and my Japanese isn't good enough to translate)