View Full Version : Online or Game

12-24-2007, 09:12 AM
I was just putting up my review for COD4 and I was reading others review and most of them where about online.. and I'm thinking online used to be like a extra option now a days its becoming the whole game.. I don’t know I rate games on how they perform in story and judge the online completely on a extra added level sort of lets see what they did extra but are developers going extra hard on online features than storyline in game.. A lot of you said this is better than Halo 3 I really can't see that.. In story at least Halo 3 was a much better a lot more challenging story with great game play (revolutionary game play)
COD4, offers a small storyline which was decent, online same as Halo
So do you guys rate on game or online. because after playing MASS EFFECT and playing this game next I feel as if Mass Effect was way more rewarding than Halo and COD. which have both great online but storylines never evolve much.

12-24-2007, 08:49 PM
Well, back in the old days with the original Xbox anything online was considered bonus. Not every game really explored online options. Now these days, you have to have online content to really make it a complete game.
Back then, online was just an extra bonus. These days, it's part of the structure of the game and should be explored on.

12-29-2007, 01:36 AM
Generally ita a given that online is there, but when it is as rich as Halo or COD4's, it can soemtimes even be more appealing than the singer player.

Most people will play Halo3/COD4 single player once (maybe twice), but multiplayer is what keeps the games life span on for many years (look at people still playing halo 2)