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Thread: Xbox 360 Canadian Launch faceplate 43/158

  1. #1

    Default Xbox 360 Canadian Launch faceplate 43/158

    I have this faceplate
    I have no idea how much it's worth. and i cant seem to find any sales, prices or any listed for sale. since there are only 158 of them, and this website gives it a 5 money sign rarity. it's safe to assume it's worth some money. how much could something like this go for?

  2. #2


    Really hard to say, the market isn't anything like it used to be. I haven't kept up with faceplate pricing in years, and not even sure if there's a market for it anymore.
    Executive Editor

  3. #3


    I can tell you what I know.

    First, the $$$$$ means it's one of the plates that at one time sold for the most money. It didn't necessarily reflect how rare a plate was, or the only $$$$$ plates would be prototypes and one-of-a-kind plates. I know I sold one for $600, but that's not likely to ever happen again.

    Second, plates that are well-known and in demand sell for more than plates that are rare or even unknown. For instance, there were 5,000 plates made of the E305 Rings of Light plate and the Bioshock Gamestop managers plate, and those still command a minimum of $50 each, while plates with 200 or less sometimes sell for $20 to $40.

    What this plate has going for it is that it's a launch plate and clearly has Xbox 360 on it with the official tagline "Jump In." Plus, it's individually numbered.
    What this plate has going against it is that it's a sticker on a plate and not a printed plate, and it's not well-known enough that there is a crowd of people keeping their eyes out for it.

    If I was selling this plate, I would start it at $50 and hope you end up with a couple of people fighting over it to drive up the price. IF you can't sell it at $50, if it was me, I'd hang onto it rather than sell it for less.

    There was another plate made just for the marketing team (that made this plate, too). There were only 42 of those. I have the plate you have here. I don't have this one:
    Faceplates at Hidden Content
    Kinect at Hidden Content .

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGhost2K View Post
    I can tell you what I know.

    First, the $$$$$ means it's one of the plates that at one time sold for the most money. It didn't necessarily reflect how rare a plate was, or the only $$$$$ plates would be prototypes and one-of-a-kind plates. I know I sold one for $600, but that's not likely to ever happen again.

    Second, plates that are well-known and in demand sell for more than plates that are rare or even unknown. For instance, there were 5,000 plates made of the E305 Rings of Light plate and the Bioshock Gamestop managers plate, and those still command a minimum of $50 each, while plates with 200 or less sometimes sell for $20 to $40.

    What this plate has going for it is that it's a launch plate and clearly has Xbox 360 on it with the official tagline "Jump In." Plus, it's individually numbered.
    What this plate has going against it is that it's a sticker on a plate and not a printed plate, and it's not well-known enough that there is a crowd of people keeping their eyes out for it.

    If I was selling this plate, I would start it at $50 and hope you end up with a couple of people fighting over it to drive up the price. IF you can't sell it at $50, if it was me, I'd hang onto it rather than sell it for less.

    There was another plate made just for the marketing team (that made this plate, too). There were only 42 of those. I have the plate you have here. I don't have this one:
    Glad to see you still know your stuff

    This is THE man to listen to dus
    Executive Editor

  5. #5
    Registered User pierrevincy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    the last one has been sold on Ebay for 48 $ :

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