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Thread: What it do?

  1. #1

    Default What it do?

    What is up XBA!

    Been a long time since I've clicked around this place but I reminded of it the other day talking to a friend about 360 faceplates. Remembered there are alot of pics of them posted here and started looking around.
    My how this place has cleaned up nicely. Fresh and clean. Good work staff!

    Thought I would pop in and say Hi.

  2. #2


    Welcome back man!

    Forums aren't what they used to be, but we're active on social media

    Stick around, we got tons of reviews and giveaways!
    Executive Editor

  3. #3
    Release The First Skill Shadow20002's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Montreal, Canada


    Great! I hope i win something… lol
    Back into the world of gaming.

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