Quote Originally Posted by goldeneyez9 View Post
Well I'm only high bidder on one of the naruto's and I'm not going any higher... so feel free. as far as the other ones.. I'm not going higher on those either. The only bids I've made since the x-men were for I Made this which is one of the ones I really want (though I'd be happy with an open one) and Dark Sector. I'm not going any higher on that one either. My other bids were there before I won the x-men and I don't believe I can get out of them even if I wanted to... without facing the "wrath of ebay"
Oh hmmmm that must have just happened recently. Darn it, there goes my theory about my birthday present! I think I will pass on the Naruto faceplates. They are going for more than I personally think they are worth. It is tempting though since this is only the 2nd time I have seen one on eBay and who knows when another will be listed. Crap, I just think I talked myself into bidding on one Dark Sector as in the game? I haven't seen a faceplate yet. Is there a faceplate and I just don't know about it? Other than the Naruto's the only other one I am watching is the I Made This. You and me just may have another showdown on our hands