At the very least, some of us have had some sort of experience online with someone else that formed a bond of some sort, in which resulted in, you going to their state, city, block, and meeting the person behind the tag. Or you and that person or persons, have, since your meeting, played games together every time or every other time you see each other online.

I for one, however 'nerdy' it may be, met my current girlfriend through Live, a friend of mine's sister actually took over his account while he was away. I having never met his sister assumed it was him, joined one of the games and started talking to her. Few games later I get her number, and we're friends, I'd say, two maybe three weeks later, we're talking through texts and what not, and for some reason or another, she put her phone on the top of a glass of water, the opening. I text her a reply and as her phone was on vibrate, it vibrated right into the glass of water. This was all at her house.

Her friend, my current girlfriend, had to lend her, her own phone so we could continue texting. Had her phone not fallen into the glass of water because of a text I sent, my current girlfriend who had went to her house, not given her the phone. She would never have had my number and would have never of talked to me and it just goes on. The funnier part of all this, was right after I texted her and her phone dropped into the glass of water, was, her brother and I was in the middle of a game. I could actually hear her yelling and getting closer to the mic, her brother asked what was wrong and just started cracking up. Needless to say, thanks to Live, I'm in a happy relationship.

Well, partly due to stupidity on my friends sisters part, and luck on mine, texting her while the phone was on the rim of the glass of water, and it vibrating into the water.

Your story doesn't have to be like mine, i just like to tell that one, so something like that, or how you met a good friend on live that you and that person always play games with or something, you know.