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Thread: How did you meet your best XBL friend?

  1. #1
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Default How did you meet your best XBL friend?

    At the very least, some of us have had some sort of experience online with someone else that formed a bond of some sort, in which resulted in, you going to their state, city, block, and meeting the person behind the tag. Or you and that person or persons, have, since your meeting, played games together every time or every other time you see each other online.

    I for one, however 'nerdy' it may be, met my current girlfriend through Live, a friend of mine's sister actually took over his account while he was away. I having never met his sister assumed it was him, joined one of the games and started talking to her. Few games later I get her number, and we're friends, I'd say, two maybe three weeks later, we're talking through texts and what not, and for some reason or another, she put her phone on the top of a glass of water, the opening. I text her a reply and as her phone was on vibrate, it vibrated right into the glass of water. This was all at her house.

    Her friend, my current girlfriend, had to lend her, her own phone so we could continue texting. Had her phone not fallen into the glass of water because of a text I sent, my current girlfriend who had went to her house, not given her the phone. She would never have had my number and would have never of talked to me and it just goes on. The funnier part of all this, was right after I texted her and her phone dropped into the glass of water, was, her brother and I was in the middle of a game. I could actually hear her yelling and getting closer to the mic, her brother asked what was wrong and just started cracking up. Needless to say, thanks to Live, I'm in a happy relationship.

    Well, partly due to stupidity on my friends sisters part, and luck on mine, texting her while the phone was on the rim of the glass of water, and it vibrating into the water.

    Your story doesn't have to be like mine, i just like to tell that one, so something like that, or how you met a good friend on live that you and that person always play games with or something, you know.

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  2. #2


    I met you through XBA ofcourse Aino!

    Heh... I honestly don't know who my BFF from LIVE is, but I do have some buddys on my list that I met back in the RTCW days back on the original Xbox and LIVE from launch.
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  3. #3
    XbM 4 Life Omen28's Avatar
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    Well I have a couple stories. One involving my girlfriend and one involving my best friend. Ill start with my best friend. He has had many names but the most recent one is Spread to Omen, he did it because he thinks I am a beast, which indeed I am. And he has always had Spread in his name, Spread License, Lil Boy Spread, Upscaled Spread, and Spread to Omen, there might be more I just might have forgotten them. Anyway, a few years ago, I met this guy named tankscousinTC on Rainbow Six Vegas. We soon became friends and he said he had a clan and asked me to join so I figure why not you know. And thats where I met a lot of friends I have today. So Spread just happened to be one of them. He is awesome and we have known each other for awhile. I am trying to go see him this spring break.

    As for the second story about my girlfriend, it is kinda like you, a little bit of luck. So a while back, maybe like 6 months or so, I was really bored so I hosted a free skate in skate at the X Games. So I was just playin that and then someone joined and his name was Delimba. And he came in there and started talking to me just sayin whats up and all that. So I sat there and debated whether or not to say whats up back, just because I was tired and didn't feel like talking to anyone. But I decided, why not. So I said hi and we started talking and soon we sent each other a friend request and all that. So a few months later, like September or something he had a friend over, or what I presumed to be a friend, it turned out to be his cousin. And they were messin around and all that and pretty soon she got on the mic and started talkin and stuff. So my friend, Delimba had to wake up earlier so he went to bed but his cousin, Shawna, stayed up and we kept on talking. I think we talked for a good 8 hours or more, all through the night pretty much. We exchanged myspaces and all of that. So after a week or so, I cant remember, I sent her a message on myspace and we talked on there for a little while. And by now I really started to like her, so one day me and Delimba was playin and he just blurted out, "Hey, I think Shawna likes you Omen."I was like, WTF? thats awesome. But I still wanted to know for sure. So anyway, a few weeks later she came back over to Delimba's house and he told me that yes she actually likes me and all that. Now I am asking myself should I ask her out? Oh, btw, she lives in Chicago, I live in San Fransico, and we are both 16, and for anyone that doesnt know, thats about 2100 miles. So anyway, I started texting her while she was over and I kinda started asking her, do you really like me, do you wanna try and do this and whatever. So eventually that day we started going out. So now we have been going out for like 1 and a half months or so and going strong. And yes, I now its crazy trying to have a long distance relationship but somthin tells me that it can work. I at least want to try it, to me, the benefits are much greater than any bad feelings. I still think to this day, I have an amazing girlfriend that I love deeply and another best friend all because I said hi.

    Wow, I didnt know it would be that long. Sry.

  4. #4
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    cool stories aino and omen. Good to hear everything has been working out.

  5. #5
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Omen : That's a cool story, glad to hear everything is working out between you and her haha.

    Var : Lol it's funny how we met

    Linkin : thanks bro xD got a story ya wanna share?

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  6. #6
    GO SEAHAWKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! l Maximus l's Avatar
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    I met a dude on XBL playing Halo 3 and won a match while on the same team using great team-work. It started from there and then we played several matches and didn't get defeated the whole time we played!

    Of course, we added eachother to our friend's lists and played many many many times after that - basically, whenever we are both on, we always team up. It got to a point where I actually felt lost when he wasn't on and vice versa!

    Anyway, good dude...later we both discovered that we had several of the same people on our own friend's lists! Coincidence? Maybe....

    Now we are gay lovers...

    jk....honestly, I haven't played on XBL for quite some time...having an 8+ month old boy profoundly changed my life. I'll get back on...I just gotta figure out how!

  7. #7
    with order comes chaos OBL infad3ll's Avatar
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    awhile back i was trying to find a person to boost the online achievements in GRID with and after waiting for hours in a lobby someone else joined my lobby who also wanted to get achievements. i added him to my fiends list so we could help each other in the future and now he has become one of my very good friends, and has also climbed the ranks to become the number 2 gamerscore in all the world.
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  8. #8
    Son of a Biscuit!!! LINKINPARK8591's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ainokeatoo-XBA View Post
    Omen : That's a cool story, glad to hear everything is working out between you and her haha.

    Var : Lol it's funny how we met

    Linkin : thanks bro xD got a story ya wanna share?
    unfortunately not, i haven't been connected to live that long. Still getting to know and meet new people though. Maybe i'll have a story soon.

  9. #9
    The lone voice of reason. Symmetric-XBA's Avatar
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    I met my fiance on XBL. I first met her online in Forza 2 in the Auction House. I have been painting cars w/ some great artists and ended up outbidding her on a Star Wars car done by a friend of mine. She sent me a msg. asking her if she could have the car, or if I knew where I could get another one. After I gave her the car we would spend time scouring the auction house for other cars and thats when I found out that she too is an artist. Naturally that led us to trading car projects back and forth and within a few weeks we had decided to become a couple. We have been together now for over a year and have decided to get married. On the forza forums we were officially dubbed the "first couple of forza" lol and as a mock wedding gift i had my artist friends send both of us tons and tons of cars as a way of saying congrats. Now for some big news that I'm gonna drop here first on XBA and that is my fiance is preg. and I'm going to become a father! This whole ride was due to XBL and Turn 10. lol I'm going to send devs. @ turn 10 bachelor party invites and plans as well as wedding invites b/c w/o forza 2 I never would have met my wife.

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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetric View Post
    Now for some big news that I'm gonna drop here first on XBA and that is my fiance is preg. and I'm going to become a father!
    Design a baby car or something and show us
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  11. #11
    Senior Moderator Ainokeatoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Symmetric View Post
    I met my fiance on XBL. I first met her online in Forza 2 in the Auction House. I have been painting cars w/ some great artists and ended up outbidding her on a Star Wars car done by a friend of mine. She sent me a msg. asking her if she could have the car, or if I knew where I could get another one. After I gave her the car we would spend time scouring the auction house for other cars and thats when I found out that she too is an artist. Naturally that led us to trading car projects back and forth and within a few weeks we had decided to become a couple. We have been together now for over a year and have decided to get married. On the forza forums we were officially dubbed the "first couple of forza" lol and as a mock wedding gift i had my artist friends send both of us tons and tons of cars as a way of saying congrats. Now for some big news that I'm gonna drop here first on XBA and that is my fiance is preg. and I'm going to become a father! This whole ride was due to XBL and Turn 10. lol I'm going to send devs. @ turn 10 bachelor party invites and plans as well as wedding invites b/c w/o forza 2 I never would have met my wife.
    Argh, that's pretty damn cool and lucky, Forza 2 isn't that old of a game neither lmao, at least, I don't think it is, as I remember discussions of it not to long ago. Anywho, congrats on the baby, and the wedding, make sure you share pictures or we'll hunt you down. o.o

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