NEWS - Thursday, March 25, 2010

King of Fighters XIII Formally Announced
"KOF-ism" is the key word for KOF XIII, director Masaaki Kukino revealed at the event. He announced that the games story line will form a finale for the Ash chapter of the KOF series, but did not provide details.
Three "new" characters were announced for the game. Mai Shiranui, Yuri Sakazaki and King will all be returning to duty in KOFXIII, all with new moves and, from what we hear, lots of shake.
Joining the characters, Kukino announced new stages, including a jungle, a sumo arena, and a bus terminal.
New systems for KOFXIII include EX moves, which convert each characters super moves into more powerful versions at the expense of your power gauge. The new Drive Cancel opens up new combo possibilities, allowing you to connect from one super to another. Also new for the game is Hyper Drive Mode, which gives you unlimited use of Drive Cancels for a while once youve maxed out your Hyper Drive Gauge.
KOFXIII will hit Japanese arcades this summer, but a location test is all set to kick off this week at Akihabaras Hey arcade.
See Dengeki Online for screenshots and pics from the announcement event, including shots of sexy Sayuki Matsumoto doing a Mai impression.
Source: http://www.ign. com