NEWS - Monday, August 13, 2001

Xavier Fox Update
Two new interviews have gone up at teamxbox with people from vision games, makers of Xavier Fox: The lost city, heres a clip from the first interview with Dean Rhymer and Steve White.TXB: In just a few words, why will gamers be excited about Xavier Fox?Steve: Xavier Fox will be the ultimate in action/adventure gaming. The game will be a mature, sophisticated, involving and an overall fun individual experience.
Dean: In a nutshell, we want to give gamers a solid open ended action/adventure title with great game-play along with intense cinematic story telling. Basically: The best game ever!.
The rest of this interview can be found right here And heres a clip from the second interview with Cliff sullivan, the teams animator
TXB: Tell us a bit about what the character, Xavier Fox, will look like and how he will move. Are there any special traits of his design that youd like to point out?Cliff: He was basically just built around Steve and Deans specifications. He has a skeleton fully constructed by hand. I didnt use Character Studio or Biped, so I didnt cheat. Hes going to move, very human like. Hes bipedal, he wears clothes, hell progress from a walk with lower confidence to one of complete confidence. Hes very limber like an Errol Flynn type of Robin Hood. Hes suave, debonair and graceful. Hell have IK (inverse kinematics) from the waist down, so hell react realistically to environments. Also hell be able to hold most any item he comes in contact with. Whether that is a sword, a rock, a story related item or whatever the player wants him to.
The rest of this of this interview can be found here
And if you want to see the first ever screenshot of the main character click here
And remember to check out our own interview here