NEWS - Thursday, March 17, 2011

Homefront ’Suffering Freezing Issues’
Kaos Studios says it’s exploring reports of "freezing issues" with the Xbox 360 and PS3 versions of just released shooter Homefront.
According to multiple users on the game’s official forums (via Examiner), the game will crash during gameplay as well as when exiting pre and post-game lobbies, forcing those affected to perform a hard reset of their system.
Kaos community manager Jeremy Greiner said: "I’m looking into the reports of this freezing issues and will provide an update once I’ve spoken with all the teams. Will need a bit of time, but in the interim - thanks a lot for your patience."
Players are also reporting that the game freezes after the appearance of the Kaos Studios logo on load-up, locking them out of playing the game at all.
Greiner said on the matter: "We’re looking into the issue that is happening to a few users, once I have an update it will be posted here. Thanks for your patience. In the meantime, those experiencing the issue: If you could please post the exact step by step process of how it occurred, that would be appreciated."
Homefront launched in the States on Tuesday and sold 375,000 copies on its first day. It hits the UK on Friday. We awarded it a 93% in our Homefront review.