NEWS - Friday, April 8, 2011

EA Sports planning persistent gamer profiles
"Today were looking at a seamless experience across all our franchises." EA Sports president Peter Moore made this remark while outlining the labels future today during the MI6 video game marketing conference in San Francisco. "Regardless of where you are, what platform you have, what game youre playing, that youre constantly connected," he said, adding that he sees EA Sports games of the future being "connected experiences that recognize users and reward them for playing multiple games."
The concept itself certainly isnt new, but EAs take on "persistence" (aka cloud data) sounds promising. "We recognize [players] -- thats the persistence -- and their presence there gets its achievements and carries them from iteration to iteration," said Moore. "Its no longer buy Madden 11 and then buy Madden 12 and start from scratch, it is take everything that youve done and migrate it and move it along."
Moore stopped short of naming which titles will usher in this new dynamic for his brand, but did say its not far off -- and doesnt just encompass EAs sports label. "Its not far away. Its certainly within [our] grasp," Moore said, explaining that "this is how we envision the future of our industry, and this is how we at EA Sports individualize and personalize this as the future of our brand and ultimately the future of what Electronic Arts as a whole is going to do across all of its titles."