NEWS - Tuesday, May 14, 2013
(RUMOR) - (RUMOR) Xbox TV may launch alongside Next Xbox
(Original article published on May 10th)
Just a day after the WSJ reported that Microsofts oft-rumored set-top box was dead in the water, Verge has a different story, claiming the company is preparing an "Xbox TV" set-top for release this year.
The set-top would be a cheap (think $99 or less) alternative to the current-generationXbox 360, giving users access to all the core entertainment services including content streaming, casual gaming and Web access.
Microsoft will allegedly use a chipset that will allow for an "always-on" device, meaning near instant boot times and quick access to TV and entertainment apps. The current-generation of Roku devices are "always-on," as well, and use shockingly little electricity.
The device will be launched alongside the next-generation Xbox, which will be unveiled on May 21st and be released in November.