NEWS - Monday, June 24, 2013

EA: Expect cross-generation games for next 2 years
While many gamers will undoubtedly flock to the new-generation consoles launching later this year, many gamers will probably sit back and continue to enjoy their PS3s and Xbox 360s. Why? Because so many titles are still releasing for these aging platforms.
In fact, many games this holiday season are launching on two generations: Watch Dogs, Assassins Creed 4, Call of Duty: Ghosts, and Battlefield 4 are just a handful of titles that are launching across two generations. For gamers that refuse to jump into the next-gen, theres good news: EA expects this "cross-gen" period to last for the next two years.
"Historically the first year out most titles have been cross-gen, then the second year theres less and less, but in year three youll probably see everything apart from maybe one or two games in the industry on that end," EAs Patrick Soderlund told CVG. "So I think it will take about 18 to 24 months to get to full gen 4." (Note: EA refers to the next generation as gen 4, not gen 8 as it is commonly referred to.)
EA had previously promised to support the current generation for "many many years" to come. Apparently, that translates to two.
There are some titles that are destined for next-gen only, Soderlund says, pointing out that the next-gen will be the first to power "meaningful and realistic dialogue with characters." An example he gives is the upcoming Mirrors Edge reboot. "The interesting part is that it was a game that could only be built in gen 4 and that was cool. I liked that because what theyre doing, its not possible on the current generation."