NEWS - Friday, June 28, 2013

State of Decay Title Updates 1 & 2 are now live!
From Undead Labs:
Did you have a community with more than 20 people? Did you find yourself without any story missions? Did you hate how the stockpiles drained all the way to nothing while you weren’t playing? Did you think coffee and stimulants lasted too long? Did you want more polish?
Did you just really freaking hate how your survivors ran away even though there were no infestations for miles?
We’ve got you taken care of as of this morning. Everything is live and applied, for everyone who has the game. The patch notes are here.
What about those of you who live in places where you can’t get the game?
– South Africa and New Zealand, your version is in certification right now. When it goes live in your regions (and we’re hoping for next week, although we can’t promise for sure), it will come with these luscious title updates bundled in.
– Australia, you are not forgotten. Your review board may have bounced us, but we’re not giving up.
We are just blown away by your support. I keep saying that, but it’s true. Everything in this update came from you – your ideas, your feedback, and your help tracking down bugs. We hope you love what this update does for State of Decay.
But we’re not stopping! Onward!