NEWS - Thursday, August 29, 2013

MS on Xbox One's delayed launch in Europe: "It's Kinect's fault"
According to Microsofts head of product development, Albert Penello, the consoles delay is due to Kinect voice-control localisation rather than supply issues.
"People assume theres a volume issue which in fact there isnt," Penello told OXM. "Youre actually seeing pre-orders pop back up now because were able to allocate the countries volume back in.
"Its there, the problem is localisation. And once people see the system and how integral it is, its not just text integration."
Penello explains that the Kinects voice-control features are more "elegant" on Xbox One than they are on Xbox 360.
"I think people are using the way [voice] works on Xbox 360, which was an accessory we built five years after release, as how its going to work here," he said.
"But its so much more elegant and so much more integrated, and in many ways its a lot faster and more convenient. Whereas on Xbox 360 its a lesser version of doing the thing youre used to doing on your controller."
Microsoft announced earlier this month that the Xbox One launch has been pushed back to 2014 in eight countries, including Russia, Sweden and Norway, among others.
Meanwhile, rumours emerged yesterday that the Xbox One is set for a November 8 launch , which will see it release a full week before the PlayStation 4.