NEWS - Thursday, August 29, 2013

Xbox One Will Be Given To GameStop Managers For Free At Launch
Earlier this morning, we heard reports from this year’s GameStop Expo saying GameStop managers would be given a free PlayStation 4 and seven games when the console launches on November 15. It looks like the decision of whether or not to choose a PS4 or Xbox One has become even easier now that reports are coming in GameStop managers will also receive an Xbox One. The announcement was made during this year’s GameStop Expo that’s currently taking place in Las Vegas, just a few hours after it was announced GameStop managers would be receiving a PlayStation 4 and seven games on launch day. GameStop confirmed all of its general managers of the company’s 6,500 stores would be receiving an Xbox One, regardless if they attended the expo or not. We’re not sure at this time if the same arrangement will be made for the free PlayStation 4 consoles. Unfortunately, what games GameStop managers will be receiving with their Xbox One is yet to be known, although we’re sure the games they’re given will look awfully familiar, especially if they’re placed next to the free PlayStation 4 games they received. In other words, they’ll probably receive the same exact games as they will with their free PlayStation 4, except for, of course, Sony exclusives.