NEWS - Wednesday, June 29, 2016
3D Platformer "Ginger: Beyond the Crystal" Coming Xbox One in August
The 3D adventure platformer/simulation Ginger: Beyond the Crystal will be released this summer on Xbox One.
What is this game you ask. Well, a world destroyed by a crystal explosion, a mysterious threat hanging over its inhabitants, and a goddess who created a hero...this is Beyond the Crystal. You help Ginger restore peace, recover the brilliance of the crystal that keeps the world in balance, and travel through the crystal to repopulate the world. Hundreds of adventures await you: ghostly craters, coral planets, crypts filled with infinite staircases and sleeping caves.
Want to see a bit of it? You can check out the intro to the game in the video below:
There are two main objectives in the game that Ginger should face:
- Rescue his friends: Traveling to different worlds and solving puzzles in various levels.
- Rebuild the village: Collecting resources and materials during his travels.
Parents and children can work together to achieve the “I’ve won the game” sensation after having rescued the neighbours and completely reconstructed the village.
Features of the game include the following:
- 3 worlds to repopulate
- 15 levels of adventures with platforms full of puzzles and enemies
- 15 hidden bonus levels
- An epic soundtrack delivered throughout the game
- Gather resources throughout your quest to re-build your village
- Acquire new abilities/skills as you advance throughout your adventure
- Hundreds of secrets to find out about in the incredible worlds
- Playtime of more than 15 hours
So there you have it, a new game coming to Xbox this summer that looks kind of interesting. We hope to have more coverage for it as it’s release date gets closer.
Source: Press Release